Intelligent systems for building energy and occupant comfort optimization: A state of the art review and recommendations
Today, buildings consume more than 40% of primary energy in and produce more than 36%
of CO2. So, an intelligent controller applied to the buildings for energy and comfort …
of CO2. So, an intelligent controller applied to the buildings for energy and comfort …
[PDF][PDF] Multi-modal building energy management
I Mauser - 2017 -
The energy transition from fossil energy carriers and centralized power plants towards
renewable energy sources and distributed generation calls for suitable approaches and …
renewable energy sources and distributed generation calls for suitable approaches and …
Optimization under uncertainty in building energy management
J Müller - 2019 -
The introduction of decentralized energy resources as well as energy storage systems to the
energy system calls for new control and coordination mechanisms and systems. This is also …
energy system calls for new control and coordination mechanisms and systems. This is also …
Optimal scheduling of a household refrigerator using adaptive model predictive technique
A heuristic and adaptive model predictive control algorithm is presented in this work which
operates domestic refrigerators connected to an electrical grid operating in a day-ahead …
operates domestic refrigerators connected to an electrical grid operating in a day-ahead …
[PDF][PDF] Optimádlní metody řízení ener-getické spotřeby budov
V Kaczmarczyk - 2015 -
S klesajıcımi zásobami fosilnıch paliv a zvyšujıcım se tlakem na vyuzıvánı energie vyrobené
z obnovitelných zdroju roste potreba integrace techto tezko predikovatelných zdroju do …
z obnovitelných zdroju roste potreba integrace techto tezko predikovatelných zdroju do …