Quantum science with optical tweezer arrays of ultracold atoms and molecules
Single atoms and molecules can be trapped in tightly focused beams of light that form
'optical tweezers', affording exquisite capabilities for the control and detection of individual …
'optical tweezers', affording exquisite capabilities for the control and detection of individual …
Few-body Bose gases in low dimensions—A laboratory for quantum dynamics
Cold atomic gases have become a paradigmatic system for exploring fundamental physics,
which at the same time allows for applications in quantum technologies. The accelerating …
which at the same time allows for applications in quantum technologies. The accelerating …
Quantum master equations: Tips and tricks for quantum optics, quantum computing, and beyond
Quantum master equations are an invaluable tool to model the dynamics of a plethora of
microscopic systems, ranging from quantum optics and quantum information processing to …
microscopic systems, ranging from quantum optics and quantum information processing to …
Observation of Cooper pairs in a mesoscopic two-dimensional Fermi gas
The formation of strongly correlated fermion pairs is fundamental for the emergence of
fermionic superfluidity and superconductivity. For instance, Cooper pairs made of two …
fermionic superfluidity and superconductivity. For instance, Cooper pairs made of two …
Measurement of Bell-type inequalities and quantum entanglement from -hyperon spin correlations at high energy colliders
Spin correlations of Λ-hyperons embedded in the QCD strings formed in high energy collider
experiments provide unique insight into their locality and entanglement features. We show …
experiments provide unique insight into their locality and entanglement features. We show …
Two-dimensional programmable tweezer arrays of fermions
We prepare high-filling two-component arrays of tens of fermionic Li 6 atoms in optical
tweezers, with the atoms in the ground motional state of each tweezer. Using a stroboscopic …
tweezers, with the atoms in the ground motional state of each tweezer. Using a stroboscopic …
Observation of Pauli crystals
The Pauli exclusion principle is a fundamental law underpinning the structure of matter.
Because of their antisymmetric wave function, no two fermions can occupy the same …
Because of their antisymmetric wave function, no two fermions can occupy the same …
Generalized Higgs mechanism in long-range-interacting quantum systems
The physics of long-range-interacting quantum systems is currently living through a
renaissance driven by the fast progress in quantum simulators. In these systems many …
renaissance driven by the fast progress in quantum simulators. In these systems many …
Realization of a periodically driven open three-level Dicke model
A periodically driven open three-level Dicke model is realized by resonantly shaking the
pump field in an atom-cavity system. As an unambiguous signature, we demonstrate the …
pump field in an atom-cavity system. As an unambiguous signature, we demonstrate the …
Emergent interaction-driven elliptic flow of few fermionic atoms
Hydrodynamics is a successful framework for effectively describing the dynamics of complex
many-body systems, ranging from subnuclear to cosmological scales. It applies coarse …
many-body systems, ranging from subnuclear to cosmological scales. It applies coarse …