The waning of the WIMP? A review of models, searches, and constraints

G Arcadi, M Dutra, P Ghosh, M Lindner… - The European Physical …, 2018 - Springer
Abstract Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) are among the best-motivated dark
matter candidates. No conclusive signal, despite an extensive search program that …

Precision photon spectra for wino annihilation

M Baumgart, T Cohen, E Moulin, I Moult… - Journal of High Energy …, 2019 - Springer
A bstract We provide precise predictions for the hard photon spectrum resulting from neutral
SU (2) W triplet (wino) dark matter annihilation. Our calculation is performed utilizing an …

Conformal vector dark matter and strongly first-order electroweak phase transition

SY Ayazi, A Mohamadnejad - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019 - Springer
A bstract We study a conformal version of the Standard Model (SM), which apart from SM
sector, containing a UD (1) dark sector with a vector dark matter candidate and a scalar field …

Indirect signals from solar dark matter annihilation to long-lived right-handed neutrinos

R Allahverdi, Y Gao, B Knockel, S Shalgar - Physical Review D, 2017 - APS
We study indirect detection signals from solar annihilation of dark matter (DM) particles into
light right-handed (RH) neutrinos with a mass in a 1–5 GeV range. These RH neutrinos can …

Enhancing dark matter annihilation rates with dark bremsstrahlung

NF Bell, Y Cai, JB Dent, RK Leane, TJ Weiler - Physical Review D, 2017 - APS
Many dark matter interaction types lead to annihilation processes which suffer from p-wave
suppression or helicity suppression, rendering them subdominant to unsuppressed s-wave …

Electroweak and Higgs boson internal bremsstrahlung. General considerations for Majorana dark matter annihilation and application to MSSM neutralinos

T Bringmann, F Calore, A Galea, M Garny - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017 - Springer
A bstract It is well known that the annihilation of Majorana dark matter into fermions is helicity
suppressed. Here, we point out that the underlying mechanism is a subtle combination of …

Z′ portal to Chern-Simons dark matter

G Arcadi, P Ghosh, Y Mambrini, M Pierre… - Journal of Cosmology …, 2017 -
We study the phenomenological credibility of a vectorial dark matter, coupled to a Z'portal
through Chern-Simons interaction. We scrutinize two possibilities of connecting a Z'with the …

Spin portal to dark matter

H Hernández-Arellano, M Napsuciale, S Rodríguez - Physical Review D, 2018 - APS
In this work, we study the possibility that dark matter fields transform in the (1, 0)⊕(0, 1)
representation of the homogeneous Lorentz group. In an effective theory approach, we study …

DAMPE excess from leptophilic vector dark matter: a model-independent approach

SY Ayazi, A Mohamadnejad - Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and …, 2020 -
We study all extensions of the standard model (SM) with a vector dark matter (VDM)
candidate which can explain the peak structure observed recently by the DAMPE …

Dark Matter phenomenology: from simplified WIMP models to refined alternative solutions

M Pierre - arxiv preprint arxiv:1901.05822, 2019 -
One of the most puzzling problems of modern physics is the identification of the nature a non-
relativistic matter component present in the universe, contributing to more than 25$\% $ of …