Linking plant hydraulics and the fast–slow continuum to understand resilience to drought in tropical ecosystems
Tropical ecosystems have the highest levels of biodiversity, cycle more water and absorb
more carbon than any other terrestrial ecosystem on Earth. Consequently, these ecosystems …
more carbon than any other terrestrial ecosystem on Earth. Consequently, these ecosystems …
The structure, distribution, and biomass of the world's forests
Y Pan, RA Birdsey, OL Phillips… - Annual Review of …, 2013 -
Forests are the dominant terrestrial ecosystem on Earth. We review the environmental
factors controlling their structure and global distribution and evaluate their current and future …
factors controlling their structure and global distribution and evaluate their current and future …
Critical transitions in the Amazon forest system
The possibility that the Amazon forest system could soon reach a tip** point, inducing
large-scale collapse, has raised global concern,–. For 65 million years, Amazonian forests …
large-scale collapse, has raised global concern,–. For 65 million years, Amazonian forests …
Direct evidence for phosphorus limitation on Amazon forest productivity
The productivity of rainforests growing on highly weathered tropical soils is expected to be
limited by phosphorus availability. Yet, controlled fertilization experiments have been unable …
limited by phosphorus availability. Yet, controlled fertilization experiments have been unable …
Persistent effects of pre-Columbian plant domestication on Amazonian forest composition
The extent to which pre-Columbian societies altered Amazonian landscapes is hotly
debated. We performed a basin-wide analysis of pre-Columbian impacts on Amazonian …
debated. We performed a basin-wide analysis of pre-Columbian impacts on Amazonian …
Long-term decline of the Amazon carbon sink
Atmospheric carbon dioxide records indicate that the land surface has acted as a strong
global carbon sink over recent decades,, with a substantial fraction of this sink probably …
global carbon sink over recent decades,, with a substantial fraction of this sink probably …
Biomass resilience of Neotropical secondary forests
Land-use change occurs nowhere more rapidly than in the tropics, where the imbalance
between deforestation and forest regrowth has large consequences for the global carbon …
between deforestation and forest regrowth has large consequences for the global carbon …
Pervasive phosphorus limitation of tree species but not communities in tropical forests
Phosphorus availability is widely assumed to limit primary productivity in tropical forests,, but
support for this paradigm is equivocal. Although biogeochemical theory predicts that …
support for this paradigm is equivocal. Although biogeochemical theory predicts that …
Diversity enhances carbon storage in tropical forests
L Poorter, MT van der Sande… - Global Ecology and …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Aim Tropical forests store 25% of global carbon and harbour 96% of the world's tree species,
but it is not clear whether this high biodiversity matters for carbon storage. Few studies have …
but it is not clear whether this high biodiversity matters for carbon storage. Few studies have …
Diversity and carbon storage across the tropical forest biome
Tropical forests are global centres of biodiversity and carbon storage. Many tropical
countries aspire to protect forest to fulfil biodiversity and climate mitigation policy targets, but …
countries aspire to protect forest to fulfil biodiversity and climate mitigation policy targets, but …