Area-optimal simple polygonalizations: The CG challenge 2019
We give an overview of theoretical and practical aspects of finding a simple polygon of
minimum (Min-Area) or maximum (Max-Area) possible area for a given set of n points in the …
minimum (Min-Area) or maximum (Max-Area) possible area for a given set of n points in the …
An empirical study on randomized optimal area polygonization of planar point sets
While random polygon generation from a set of planar points has been widely investigated
in the literature, very few works address the construction of a simple polygon with minimum …
in the literature, very few works address the construction of a simple polygon with minimum …
Computing Area-Optimal Simple Polygonizations
We consider methods for finding a simple polygon of minimum (Min-Area) or maximum (Max-
Area) possible area for a given set of points in the plane. Both problems are known to be NP …
Area) possible area for a given set of points in the plane. Both problems are known to be NP …
The" Divide and Conquer" technique to solve the Minimum Area Polygonalization problem
M Osiponok, V Tereshchenko - 2019 IEEE International …, 2019 -
We consider an application of the divide and conquer technique to the Minimum Area
Polygonalization (MAP) problem. It is known that MAP problem belongs to NPHard set of …
Polygonalization (MAP) problem. It is known that MAP problem belongs to NPHard set of …
Edge Sparsification for Geometric Tour Problems
We study a variety of sparsification approaches for a spectrum of geometric optimization
problems related to tour problems, such as the Angular TSP, the Minimum Perimeter …
problems related to tour problems, such as the Angular TSP, the Minimum Perimeter …
Minimum area polygonization is a well-known NP-complete problem in computational
geometry. It is the problem of finding a simple polygon with minimum area for a given set of …
geometry. It is the problem of finding a simple polygon with minimum area for a given set of …
On the effectiveness of the genetic paradigm for polygonization
A polygon is simple if it is a closed chain of straight line segments that do not self-intersect.
Given a finite set P of input points in the Euclidean plane, the search for a simple polygon …
Given a finite set P of input points in the Euclidean plane, the search for a simple polygon …