The RMS teaching model with brainstorming technique and student digital literacy as predictors of mathematical literacy
In the field of educational sciences, combining various research studies is essential for the
development of key competencies such as digital and mathematical literacy. However, there …
development of key competencies such as digital and mathematical literacy. However, there …
[PDF][PDF] Pembelajaran abad 21: Pengaruhnya terhadap pembentukan karakter akhlak melalui pembelajaran STAD dan PBL dalam kurikulum 2013
Moral-characters in the 21st century can be formed by enhancing the appropriate aspects of
learning. This research aims to determine the comparison of learning models of Student …
learning. This research aims to determine the comparison of learning models of Student …
La comparación del enfoque STEM y el modelo de aprendizaje SSCS para la escuela secundaria basado en el plan de estudios K-13: El impacto en la capacidad de …
En el siglo XXI, la importancia de las competencias está aumentando en nuestra vida
cotidiana y en el mercado laboral. Competencias tan complejas como el pensamiento crítico …
cotidiana y en el mercado laboral. Competencias tan complejas como el pensamiento crítico …
La competencia matemática de futuros maestros antes y después del confinamiento por la Covid-19
MRN Martínez-Artero, AN Checa - Revista de Educación a Distancia …, 2022 -
Resumen INTRODUCCIÓN. Debido a la pandemia profesores y alumnos han cambiado su
forma de enseñar y de aprender. MÉTODO. Para ver si ha variado la competencia en …
forma de enseñar y de aprender. MÉTODO. Para ver si ha variado la competencia en …
The SAVI Learning Model and the 21st Century Skills: Develo** Critical Thinking, Collaboration, and Creativity in Students Vocational High School
The use of the SAVI learning model offers a more effective alternative in improving student
learning outcomes by understanding individual learning preferences and providing learning …
learning outcomes by understanding individual learning preferences and providing learning …
Analisis kesesuaian materi ipa dalam buku siswa kelas iv semester 1 sd/mi dengan kurikulum 2013
T Yunianto - Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar, 2021 -
Pengembangan LKPD berbasis GeoGebra untuk meningkatkan pemahaman konsep matematika
Pembelajaran yang dapat membantu siswa dalam mengkonstruksi pemahaman konsep
sangatlah penting. Salah satunya dengan memanfaatkan teknologi dalam pembelajaran …
sangatlah penting. Salah satunya dengan memanfaatkan teknologi dalam pembelajaran …
[PDF][PDF] The Comparison of STEM approach and SSCS learning model for secondary school-based on K-13 curriculum: The impact on creative and critical thinking …
In the 21st century, the significance of competencies is increasing in our everyday lives and
in the labor market. Such complex competencies like critical and creative thinking is a topic …
in the labor market. Such complex competencies like critical and creative thinking is a topic …
Impact of problem-based learning strategy on learning outcomes of senior secondary school student in mathematics
Background: Problem-based learning (PBL) has been identified as an effective instructional
strategy, particularly in enhancing student outcomes in various subjects, including …
strategy, particularly in enhancing student outcomes in various subjects, including …
STEM approach and computer science impact the metaphorical thinking of Indonesian students'
El pensamiento metafórico es importante para mejorar la formación y el descubrimiento de
ideas de aprendizaje en el siglo XXI. Sin embargo, el pensamiento metafórico de los …
ideas de aprendizaje en el siglo XXI. Sin embargo, el pensamiento metafórico de los …