Iron isotope systematics
Iron Isotope Systematics | Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry | GeoScienceWorld
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Metal stable isotope signatures as tracers in environmental geochemistry
JG Wiederhold - Environmental science & technology, 2015 - ACS Publications
The biogeochemical cycling of metals in natural systems is often accompanied by stable
isotope fractionation which can now be measured due to recent analytical advances. In …
isotope fractionation which can now be measured due to recent analytical advances. In …
Assessment of international reference materials for isotope-ratio analysis (IUPAC Technical Report)
Since the early 1950s, the number of international measurement standards for anchoring
stable isotope delta scales has mushroomed from 3 to more than 30, expanding to more …
stable isotope delta scales has mushroomed from 3 to more than 30, expanding to more …
[Књига][B] Stable isotope geochemistry
J Hoefs, J Hoefs - 2009 - Springer
The nine editions of Stable Isotope Geochemistry have appeared over a time span of nearly
50 years. The first edition (1973) appeared as a slim book of 135 pages. Due to the rapid …
50 years. The first edition (1973) appeared as a slim book of 135 pages. Due to the rapid …
Titanium isotopic evidence for felsic crust and plate tectonics 3.5 billion years ago
Earth exhibits a dichotomy in elevation and chemical composition between the continents
and ocean floor. Reconstructing when this dichotomy arose is important for understanding …
and ocean floor. Reconstructing when this dichotomy arose is important for understanding …
Magnesium isotopic composition of the Earth and chondrites
To constrain further the Mg isotopic composition of the Earth and chondrites, and investigate
the behavior of Mg isotopes during planetary formation and magmatic processes, we report …
the behavior of Mg isotopes during planetary formation and magmatic processes, we report …
Magma redox and structural controls on iron isotope variations in Earth's mantle and crust
The heavy iron isotopic composition of Earth's crust relative to chondrites has been
explained by vaporization during the Moon-forming impact, equilibrium partitioning between …
explained by vaporization during the Moon-forming impact, equilibrium partitioning between …
Iron isotopic compositions of geological reference materials and chondrites
High‐precision iron isotopic compositions for Fe‐bearing geological reference materials and
chondrites with a wide range of matrices (eg, silicates, oxides, organic‐bearing materials) …
chondrites with a wide range of matrices (eg, silicates, oxides, organic‐bearing materials) …
Combined separation of Cu, Fe and Zn from rock matrices and improved analytical protocols for stable isotope determination
Isotope ratios of heavy elements vary on the 1/10000 level in high temperature materials,
providing a fingerprint of the processes behind their origin. Ensuring that the measured …
providing a fingerprint of the processes behind their origin. Ensuring that the measured …
Iron isotopic systematics of oceanic basalts
The iron isotopic compositions of 93 well-characterized basalts from geochemically and
geologically diverse mid-ocean ridge segments, oceanic islands and back arc basins were …
geologically diverse mid-ocean ridge segments, oceanic islands and back arc basins were …