Physics of ultra-thin phthalocyanine films on semiconductors
N Papageorgiou, E Salomon, T Angot, JM Layet… - Progress in surface …, 2004 - Elsevier
This paper focuses on the structural arrangements, as seen in scanning tunneling
microscopy, chemical and electric properties, as studied especially by high resolution …
microscopy, chemical and electric properties, as studied especially by high resolution …
[KNJIGA][B] Modified Au-based nanomaterials studied by surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy
AS Rubio - 2015 -
This work pursues a novel route to functionalizing large surfaces with hybrid nanoparticles. It
also casts new light on the combined use of surface plasmon resonance and X-rays. SPR …
also casts new light on the combined use of surface plasmon resonance and X-rays. SPR …
Molecular orientation and ordering in CoPc and FePc thin films grown on Au (001)-5× 20
Molecular orientation and ordering in thin films of the organic semiconductors cobalt-and
iron-phthalocyanine (CoPc and FePc) grown in situ on a Au (001)-5× 20 surface have been …
iron-phthalocyanine (CoPc and FePc) grown in situ on a Au (001)-5× 20 surface have been …
Electronic structure of pristine CuPc: Experiment and calculations
The filled and unoccupied electronic states of the organic semiconductor copper-
phthalocyanine (CuPc) have been determined by a combination of direct and resonant …
phthalocyanine (CuPc) have been determined by a combination of direct and resonant …
Electronic properties of potassium-doped FePc
The evolution of electronic structure of the organic semiconductor iron-phthalocyanine with
potassium do** has been studied by means of photoemission spectroscopy, near-edge X …
potassium do** has been studied by means of photoemission spectroscopy, near-edge X …
Electronic structure of the organic semiconductor copper phthalocyanine: Experiment and theory
The electronic structure of the organic semiconductor copper-phthalocyanine (CuPc) has
been determined by a combination of conventional and resonant photoemission, near-edge …
been determined by a combination of conventional and resonant photoemission, near-edge …
Initial stages of water absorption on CeO2 surfaces at very low temperatures for understanding anti-icing coatings
AC Åsland, SP Cooil, D Mamedov… - Materials Research …, 2024 -
Anti-icing coatings are intended to prevent ice formation on surfaces, minimising the risk of
surface-related damage and also reducing ice-related hazards in society. We demonstrate …
surface-related damage and also reducing ice-related hazards in society. We demonstrate …
Monitoring x-ray beam damage on lipid films by an integrated Brewster angle microscope/x-ray diffractometer
SM Danauskas, MK Ratajczak, Y Ishitsuka… - Review of Scientific …, 2007 -
We describe an integrated Brewster angle microscope (BAM), Langmuir trough, and grazing
incidence x-ray diffraction assembly. The integration of these three techniques allows for the …
incidence x-ray diffraction assembly. The integration of these three techniques allows for the …
Growth and morphology of SnPc films on the S-GaAs (0 0 1) surface: a combined XPS, AFM and NEXAFS study
The morphology and molecular ordering of the organic semiconductor tin phthalocyanine
(SnPc) on the sulphur-terminated GaAs (001) surface have been monitored by X-ray …
(SnPc) on the sulphur-terminated GaAs (001) surface have been monitored by X-ray …
[HTML][HTML] Severe carbon accumulation on black phosphorous flakes induced by synchrotron x-ray radiation
Abstract Two-dimensional (2D) materials, such as black phosphorus (BP) and transition
metal dichalcogenide, recently gained much interest due to their unique electronic, photonic …
metal dichalcogenide, recently gained much interest due to their unique electronic, photonic …