Review of satellite interferometry for landslide detection in Italy
Landslides recurrently impact the Italian territory, producing huge economic losses and
casualties. Because of this, there is a large demand for monitoring tools to support landslide …
casualties. Because of this, there is a large demand for monitoring tools to support landslide …
Empirical fragility and vulnerability curves for buildings exposed to slow-moving landslides at medium and large scales
Slow-moving landslides yearly induce huge economic losses worldwide in terms of damage
to facilities and interruption of human activities. Within the landslide risk management …
to facilities and interruption of human activities. Within the landslide risk management …
Multi-scale analysis of settlement-induced building damage using damage surveys and DInSAR data: A case study in The Netherlands
Highly compressible clayey and peaty (soft) soils may expose structures (eg buildings) and
infrastructures (eg roads and embankments) resting on them to absolute/differential …
infrastructures (eg roads and embankments) resting on them to absolute/differential …
The combined use of PSInSAR and UAV photogrammetry techniques for the analysis of the kinematics of a coastal landslide affecting an urban area (SE Spain)
In the present work, the case of the Cármenes del Mar resort (Granada, Spain) is shown. It
can be considered one of the most extreme examples on the Mediterranean coast of severe …
can be considered one of the most extreme examples on the Mediterranean coast of severe …
Slow-moving landslides interacting with the road network: Analysis of damage using ancillary data, in situ surveys and multi-source monitoring data
Slow-moving landslides are widespread natural hazards that can affect both social and
economic activities causing damage to structures and infrastructure networks. This paper …
economic activities causing damage to structures and infrastructure networks. This paper …
Quantitative analysis of the risk to road networks exposed to slow-moving landslides: a case study in the Campania region (southern Italy)
This paper shows the results of a study aimed at quantitatively estimating—in terms of direct
(repair) costs, at large scale (1: 5000)—the slow-moving landslide risk to a road network …
(repair) costs, at large scale (1: 5000)—the slow-moving landslide risk to a road network …
Monitoring buildings at landslide risk with SAR: A methodology based on the use of multipass interferometric data
Here, we describe the improvements that have enabled the 3D reconstruction and
monitoring of buildings, with reference to their protection against and prevention of risks. We …
monitoring of buildings, with reference to their protection against and prevention of risks. We …
Assessment of building behavior in slow-moving landslide-affected areas through DInSAR data and structural analysis
Slow-moving landslides are a natural hazard which affects wide areas in the world and often
are cause of significant damage to structures and infrastructures. Analysis of landslide …
are cause of significant damage to structures and infrastructures. Analysis of landslide …
Combined use of statistical and DInSAR data analyses to define the state of activity of slow-moving landslides
Statistical analyses have been often used for landslide susceptibility zoning at small to
medium scale when relevant base and thematic maps are available. Since the beginning of …
medium scale when relevant base and thematic maps are available. Since the beginning of …
Geometric and kinematic characterization of landslides affecting urban areas: the Lungro case study (Calabria, Southern Italy)
The geometric and kinematic characterization of landslides affecting urban areas is a
challenging goal that is routinely pursued via geological/geomorphological method and …
challenging goal that is routinely pursued via geological/geomorphological method and …