[PDF][PDF] Quality standards in online education: The ISO/IEC 40180 framework
K Shraim - International Journal of Emerging Technologies in …, 2020 - learntechlib.org
As higher education institutions (HEIs) make growing use of online education, enhancing
and ensuring quality in online education (QOE) have become increasingly important for their …
and ensuring quality in online education (QOE) have become increasingly important for their …
Analysis of MOOCs practices from the perspective of learner experiences and quality culture
This explanatory analysis of the relevant literature seeks to identify factors affecting quality in
massive open online courses (MOOCs). The paper highlights sub-dimensions of quality in …
massive open online courses (MOOCs). The paper highlights sub-dimensions of quality in …
Quality in e‐learning–a conceptual framework based on experiences from three international benchmarking projects
E Ossiannilsson, L Landgren - Journal of Computer assisted …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Between 2008 and 2010, Lund University took part in three international
benchmarking projects, E‐xcellence+, the eLearning Benchmarking Exercise 2009, and the …
benchmarking projects, E‐xcellence+, the eLearning Benchmarking Exercise 2009, and the …
[PDF][PDF] Quality assurance systems for Digital Higher Education in Europe
G Ubachs, P Henderikx - Handbook of open, distance and digital …, 2022 - Springer
Since the corona crisis, digital higher education practices permeate higher education in
Europe. In degree education, various digital pedagogies are used in courses and programs …
Europe. In degree education, various digital pedagogies are used in courses and programs …
[KNIHA][B] Benchmarking e-learning in higher education: lessons learned from international projects
E Ossiannilsson - 2012 - oulurepo.oulu.fi
Higher education is facing a range of major challenges during the twenty-first century.
Personalised, flexible and open learning are considered among the driving forces, thus …
Personalised, flexible and open learning are considered among the driving forces, thus …
Implementation of open educational resources in a nursing programme: experiences and reflections
The IMPOER project (implementation of open educational resources, OER) aimed to
implement OER in a nursing programme at Dalarna University, Sweden. The university and …
implement OER in a nursing programme at Dalarna University, Sweden. The university and …
Benchmarking: A method for quality assessment and enhancement in higher education
ESI Ossiannilsson - Learning, Design, and Technology: An International …, 2023 - Springer
The concept of quality is multifaceted. Moreover, its definition depends on who defines it, the
context in which it is defined, and the maturity of those who define both the concept and its …
context in which it is defined, and the maturity of those who define both the concept and its …
[KNIHA][B] Toward quality assurance and excellence in higher education
AO Al Jaber - 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
Quality Assurance is not a new concept in the education sector in general, and higher
education in particular, though it is becoming increasingly more relevant and important …
education in particular, though it is becoming increasingly more relevant and important …
Inter-learner communication and collaborative learning as quality criteria of distance vocational education and training
A Batsila - European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning …, 2019 - ceeol.com
Distance web-based VET is nowadays of utmost importance for the EU. But, its special
characteristics create doubts, as far as its quality is concerned, so research in this field is …
characteristics create doubts, as far as its quality is concerned, so research in this field is …
Quality standards in online distance education.
M Endean, B Bai, R Du - International Journal of Continuing …, 2010 - search.ebscohost.com
Distance education has a long heritage shared by a number of globally important providers,
such as The UK Open University and China Central Radio and Television University (now …
such as The UK Open University and China Central Radio and Television University (now …