Cenozoic evolution of the Qaidam basin and implications for the growth of the northern Tibetan plateau: A review
As the largest depression in the Tibetan plateau, the Qaidam basin preserves over 10 km
thick of Cenozoic sediments. Those sediments represent a unique archive of the evolution of …
thick of Cenozoic sediments. Those sediments represent a unique archive of the evolution of …
Outward-growth of the Tibetan Plateau during the Cenozoic: A review
The surface uplift history of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) offers a key testing ground for
evaluating models of collisional tectonics and holds important implications for processes …
evaluating models of collisional tectonics and holds important implications for processes …
The growth of northeastern Tibet and its relevance to large‐scale continental geodynamics: A review of recent studies
DY Yuan, WP Ge, ZW Chen, CY Li, ZC Wang… - …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Recent studies of the northeastern part of the Tibetan Plateau have called attention to two
emerging views of how the Tibetan Plateau has grown. First, deformation in northern Tibet …
emerging views of how the Tibetan Plateau has grown. First, deformation in northern Tibet …
Early Cenozoic faulting of the northern Tibetan Plateau margin from apatite (U–Th)/He ages
Models to explain the distributed nature of continental deformation predict the propagation of
strain and high topography away from the plate boundary. Yet a growing body of evidence in …
strain and high topography away from the plate boundary. Yet a growing body of evidence in …
High-resolution magnetostratigraphic study of the Paleogene-Neogene strata in the Northern Qaidam Basin: Implications for the growth of the Northeastern Tibetan …
Abstract The Cenozoic terrestrial, intermontane Qaidam Basin on the northeastern edge of
the Tibetan Plateau contains> 12 km of sedimentary rocks that potentially document the …
the Tibetan Plateau contains> 12 km of sedimentary rocks that potentially document the …
Low‐temperature thermochronometry along the Kunlun and Haiyuan Faults, NE Tibetan Plateau: Evidence for kinematic change during late‐stage orogenesis
Abstract The Tibetan Plateau is a prime example of a collisional orogen with widespread
strike‐slip faults whose age and tectonic significance remain controversial. We present new …
strike‐slip faults whose age and tectonic significance remain controversial. We present new …
Magnetic polarity stratigraphy, provenance, and paleoclimate analysis of Cenozoic strata in the Qaidam Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau
The growth and deformation history of the Qilian-Nan Shan thrust belt bounding the NE
Qaidam Basin figures importantly in testing models of Tibetan Plateau uplift during the India …
Qaidam Basin figures importantly in testing models of Tibetan Plateau uplift during the India …
Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Qaidam basin and its surrounding regions (Part 3): Structural geology, sedimentation, and regional tectonic reconstruction
The Qaidam basin is the largest topographic depression inside the Tibetan plateau.
Because of its central position, understanding the tectonic origin of the Qaidam basin has …
Because of its central position, understanding the tectonic origin of the Qaidam basin has …
Testing models of Tibetan Plateau formation with Cenozoic shortening estimates across the Qilian Shan–Nan Shan thrust belt
Competing models that account for the construction of the Tibetan Plateau include
continental subduction, underthrusting, distributed shortening, channel flow, and older …
continental subduction, underthrusting, distributed shortening, channel flow, and older …
Erosion, fault initiation and topographic growth of the North Qilian Shan (northern Tibetan Plateau)
Abstract New apatite (U-Th)/He from the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau (north
Qilian Shan) indicate rapid cooling began at∼ 10 Ma, which is attributed to the onset of …
Qilian Shan) indicate rapid cooling began at∼ 10 Ma, which is attributed to the onset of …