A review of global environmental mercury processes in response to human and natural perturbations: Changes of emissions, climate, and land use

D Obrist, JL Kirk, L Zhang, EM Sunderland, M Jiskra… - Ambio, 2018 - Springer
We review recent progress in our understanding of the global cycling of mercury (Hg),
including best estimates of Hg concentrations and pool sizes in major environmental …

Microbial mercury methylation in aquatic environments: a critical review of published field and laboratory studies

O Regnell, CJ Watras - Environmental science & technology, 2018 - ACS Publications
Methylmercury (MeHg) is an environmental contaminant of concern because it biomagnifies
in aquatic food webs and poses a health hazard to aquatic biota, piscivorous wildlife and …

Influence of dissolved organic matter (DOM) characteristics on dissolved mercury (Hg) species composition in sediment porewater of lakes from southwest China

T Jiang, AG Bravo, U Skyllberg, E Björn, D Wang… - Water Research, 2018 - Elsevier
The origin and composition of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in porewater of lake
sediments is intricate and decisive for fate of pollutants including mercury (Hg). While there …

Global mercury concentrations in biota: Their use as a basis for a global biomonitoring framework

DC Evers, JT Ackerman, S Åkerblom, D Bally, N Basu… - Ecotoxicology, 2024 - Springer
An important provision of the Minamata Convention on Mercury is to monitor and evaluate
the effectiveness of the adopted measures and its implementation. Here, we describe for the …

Mercury biomagnification in benthic, pelagic, and benthopelagic food webs in an Arctic marine ecosystem

IR Hilgendag, HK Swanson, CW Lewis… - Science of the Total …, 2022 - Elsevier
Mercury (Hg) is a ubiquitous toxic metal that biomagnifies in food webs, and can reach high
concentrations in top predators. Evaluating Hg biomagnification in Arctic marine food webs …

A global perspective on mercury cycling in the ocean

KL Bowman, CH Lamborg, AM Agather - Science of The Total Environment, 2020 - Elsevier
Mercury (Hg) is a ubiquitous metal in the ocean that undergoes in situ chemical
transformations in seawater and marine sediment. Most relevant to public health is the …

Binding strength of mercury (II) to different dissolved organic matter: The roles of DOM properties and sources

Y Wang, J Liu, V Liem-Nguyen, S Tian, S Zhang… - Science of The Total …, 2022 - Elsevier
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) influences the environmental fate and toxic effects of trace
metals such as mercury (Hg). However, because of limits in DOM analytical techniques and …

A global model for methylmercury formation and uptake at the base of marine food webs

Y Zhang, AL Soerensen, AT Schartup… - Global …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Monomethylmercury (CH3Hg) is the only form of mercury (Hg) known to biomagnify in food
webs. Here we investigate factors driving methylated mercury [MeHg= CH3Hg+(CH3) 2Hg)] …

Evidence that Pacific tuna mercury levels are driven by marine methylmercury production and anthropogenic inputs

A Médieu, D Point, T Itai, H Angot, PJ Buchanan… - Proceedings of the …, 2022 - pnas.org
Pacific Ocean tuna is among the most-consumed seafood products but contains relatively
high levels of the neurotoxin methylmercury. Limited observations suggest tuna mercury …

Global ocean sediment composition and burial flux in the deep sea

CT Hayes, KM Costa, RF Anderson… - Global …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Quantitative knowledge about the burial of sedimentary components at the seafloor has
wide‐ranging implications in ocean science, from global climate to continental weathering …