The resource-based view of the firm, human resources, and human capital: Progress and prospects
We describe the interplay between the resource-based view (RBV) and strategic human
resources (HR)/human capital (HC) literatures in select areas of particular interest. In each …
resources (HR)/human capital (HC) literatures in select areas of particular interest. In each …
A systematic review of human resource management systems and their measurement
In the strategic human resource (HR) management literature, over the past three decades, a
shared consensus has developed that the focus should be on HR systems rather than …
shared consensus has developed that the focus should be on HR systems rather than …
Organizational climate and culture: Reflections on the history of the constructs in the Journal of Applied Psychology.
B Schneider, V González-Romá, C Ostroff… - Journal of applied …, 2017 -
We review the literature on organizational climate and culture paying specific attention to
articles published in the Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP) since its first volume in 1917 …
articles published in the Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP) since its first volume in 1917 …
The person–situation debate revisited: Effect of situation strength and trait activation on the validity of the Big Five personality traits in predicting job performance
TA Judge, CP Zapata - Academy of Management Journal, 2015 -
Derived from two theoretical concepts—situation strength and trait activation—we develop
and test an interactionist model governing the degree to which five-factor model personality …
and test an interactionist model governing the degree to which five-factor model personality …
An aspirational framework for strategic human resource management
The field of strategic human resource management (HRM) has a long and rich tradition. As a
prelude to our description of the field's history, we provide an expansive definition of …
prelude to our description of the field's history, we provide an expansive definition of …
Reflections on the 2014 decade award: is there strength in the construct of HR system strength?
C Ostroff, DE Bowen - Academy of Management Review, 2016 -
Since the 2004 publication of “Understanding HRM–Firm Performance Linkages: The Role
of the 'Strength'of the HRM System,” the concept of HRM strength has been widely accepted …
of the 'Strength'of the HRM System,” the concept of HRM strength has been widely accepted …
Reflections on the 2016 decade award: Incorporating context in organizational research
G Johns - Academy of Management Review, 2017 -
This is a reflection on my 2006 article,“The Essential Impact of Context on Organizational
Behavior,” which received the 2016 Academy of Management Review Decade Award. I …
Behavior,” which received the 2016 Academy of Management Review Decade Award. I …
A high performance work practices taxonomy: Integrating the literature and directing future research
High Performance Work Systems are designed to enhance organizational performance by
improving employee capability, commitment, and productivity. Yet there is very little …
improving employee capability, commitment, and productivity. Yet there is very little …
Employee well‐being and the HRM–organizational performance relationship: a review of quantitative studies
There is a lack of consensus on the role of employee well‐being in the human resource
management–organizational performance relationship. This review examines which of the …
management–organizational performance relationship. This review examines which of the …
Clarifying the construct of human resource systems: Relating human resource management to employee performance
Strategic human resource management researchers have strongly advocated a system
perspective and provided considerable evidence that certain systems of human resource …
perspective and provided considerable evidence that certain systems of human resource …