[PDF][PDF] Addressing the issues of maintenance management in SMEs: towards sustainable and lean maintenance approach

A Bakri, MFM Alkbir, N Awang, F Januddi… - Emerging Science …, 2021 - researchgate.net
This paper outlines on the preliminary outcomes of pilot project aimed at exploring the issue
related to managing of maintenance activity in the Malaysian Small and Medium Enterprises …

Presenting International Marketing Managers Competency Model

A Basiji, MA Babaie Zakliki… - … Research in Iran, 2021 - mri.modares.ac.ir
Presenting International Marketing Managers Competency Model Nowadays, training
competent managers is one of the most important topics in the field of management studies …

Analysing the structural relationships of influential factors on Effectiveness of selecting ERP system

M Valipour Khatir, F Kianifar, A Dowlati - Modern Research in …, 2018 - journal.saim.ir
The implementation of ERP systems in organizations involves the use of financial, human
and knowledgeable capital; therefore, it is very important to analyze the effective criteria and …

Designing Core Competencies Model of Human Resource Managers of Start-ups Service Businesses in the Urban Transportation Sector

M Ssoleimani, SM Khademi… - Public …, 2023 - ipom.journals.pnu.ac.ir
The present research has been done to design the core competency model of human
resource managers and identify the dimensions components and factors affecting it. This …

[PDF][PDF] Develo** a model of factors affecting the financial competence of managers in production companies affiliated to agricultural cooperatives

H Rahimi Koloor, V Ebrahimi Kharajo - Journal of Studies in Entrepreneurship …, 2022 - sid.ir
Nowadays, the training of competent managers has become one of the most key concepts in
the field of management, and according to many academic and industrial experts, it can be …

ارائه هدل شايستكى مديران بازاريابى بين المللى

عسل بسيجى, محمدعلى بابايى زكليكى… - … Researches in Iran, 2020‎ - search.ebscohost.com
Nowadays, training competent managers is one of the most important topics in the field of
management studies. Many of industrial and academic experts believe that competent …

تحلیل روابط ساختاری عوامل تأثیرگذار بر اثربخشی انتخاب سیستم ERP

ولی پور خطیر, کیانی فر, دولتی, امین - پژوهش های نوین در تصمیم …, 2018‎ - journal.saim.ir
اجرای سیستم ERP در سازمان‌ها مستلزم به‌کارگیری سرمایه مالی، انسانی و دانشی فراوان است؛
ازاین‌رو، تحلیل معیارها و عوامل اثربخش در انتخاب این سیستم بسیار حائز اهمیت است. هدف از …