Optimizing bloom filter: Challenges, solutions, and comparisons

L Luo, D Guo, RTB Ma… - … Surveys & Tutorials, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Bloom filter (BF) has been widely used to support membership query, ie, to judge whether a
given element x is a member of a given set S or not. Recent years have seen a flourish …

Privacy-preserving record linkage for big data: Current approaches and research challenges

D Vatsalan, Z Sehili, P Christen, E Rahm - Handbook of big data …, 2017 - Springer
Abstract The growth of Big Data, especially personal data dispersed in multiple data
sources, presents enormous opportunities and insights for businesses to explore and …

Linking sensitive data

P Christen, T Ranbaduge, R Schnell - Methods and techniques for …, 2020 - Springer
Sensitive personal data are created in many application domains, and there is now an
increasing demand to share, integrate, and link such data within and across organisations in …

Modern privacy-preserving record linkage techniques: An overview

A Gkoulalas-Divanis, D Vatsalan… - IEEE Transactions …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Record linkage is the challenging task of deciding which records, coming from disparate
data sources, refer to the same entity. Established back in 1946 by Halbert L. Dunn, the area …

Composing differential privacy and secure computation: A case study on scaling private record linkage

X He, A Machanavajjhala, C Flynn… - Proceedings of the 2017 …, 2017 - dl.acm.org
Private record linkage (PRL) is the problem of identifying pairs of records that are similar as
per an input matching rule from databases held by two parties that do not trust one another …

A survey on privacy properties for data publishing of relational data

A Zigomitros, F Casino, A Solanas, C Patsakis - IEEE Access, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Recent advances in telecommunications and database systems have allowed the scientific
community to efficiently mine vast amounts of information worldwide and to extract new …

A coupled design of exploiting record similarity for practical vertical federated learning

Z Wu, Q Li, B He - Advances in Neural Information …, 2022 - proceedings.neurips.cc
Federated learning is a learning paradigm to enable collaborative learning across different
parties without revealing raw data. Notably, vertical federated learning (VFL), where parties …

Privacy-preserving deep learning based record linkage

T Ranbaduge, D Vatsalan… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Deep learning-based linkage of records across different databases is becoming increasingly
useful in data integration and mining applications to discover new insights from multiple data …

Sequence data matching and beyond: New privacy-preserving primitives based on bloom filters

W Xue, D Vatsalan, W Hu… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Bloom filter encoding has widely been used as an efficient masking technique for privacy-
preserving matching functions. The existing matching techniques, however, are limited to …

Camper: An effective framework for privacy-aware deep entity resolution

Y Guo, L Chen, Z Zhou, B Zheng, Z Fang… - Proceedings of the 29th …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
Entity Resolution (ER) is a fundamental problem in data preparation. Standard deep ER
methods have achieved state-of-the-art effectiveness, assuming that relations from different …