A review on performance of constructed wetlands in tropical and cold climate: Insights of mechanism, role of influencing factors, and system modification in low …
Constructed wetlands (CWs) are one of the most promising and sustainable alternatives for
wastewater treatment that are being successfully implemented in several countries …
wastewater treatment that are being successfully implemented in several countries …
Macroinvertebrates as engineers for bioturbation in freshwater ecosystem
Bioturbation is recognized as a deterministic process that sustains the physicochemical
properties of the freshwater ecosystem. Irrigation, ventilation, and particle reworking …
properties of the freshwater ecosystem. Irrigation, ventilation, and particle reworking …
Microplastics in freshwater sediments impact the role of a main bioturbator in ecosystem functioning
While microplastic transport, fate, and effects have been a focus of studies globally, the
consequences of their presence on ecosystem functioning have not received the same …
consequences of their presence on ecosystem functioning have not received the same …
Relationship between heavy metals and dissolved organic matter released from sediment by bioturbation/bioirrigation
Y He, B Men, X Yang, Y Li, H Xu, D Wang - Journal of environmental …, 2019 - Elsevier
Organic matter (OM) is an important component of sediment. Bioturbation/bioirrigation can
remobilize OM and heavy metals that were previously buried in the sediment. The …
remobilize OM and heavy metals that were previously buried in the sediment. The …
Behavioral toxicity, histopathological alterations and oxidative stress in Tubifex tubifex exposed to aromatic carboxylic acids-acetic acid and benzoic acid: a …
This study evaluated Acetic acid (AA) and Benzoic acid's (BA) acute and sublethal toxicity by
observing mortality, behavioral responses, and changes in the levels of oxidative stress …
observing mortality, behavioral responses, and changes in the levels of oxidative stress …
Interactions between sediment characteristics and oxygen conditions at the sediment–water interface of reservoirs: Influences on nutrient dynamics and eutrophication
F Mermillod-Blondin, E Gautreau, L Pinasseau… - Hydrobiologia, 2024 - Springer
Dissolved oxygen (DO) level at the sediment–water interface is one key factor controlling
redox-sensitive processes, such as nutrient cycling. Microcosm experiments with sediment …
redox-sensitive processes, such as nutrient cycling. Microcosm experiments with sediment …
The influence of bioturbation and water column oxygenation on nutrient recycling in reservoir sediments
E Gautreau, L Volatier, G Nogaro, E Gouze… - Hydrobiologia, 2020 - Springer
Sediments are sinks of nutrients in reservoirs, but may also act as temporary nutrient
sources to the water column, leading to eutrophication during the warm season. Several …
sources to the water column, leading to eutrophication during the warm season. Several …
Benthic opportunistic polychaete/amphipod ratio: an indicator of pollution or modification of the environment by macroinvertebrates?
The development of sensitive indicators reflecting the state of the environment is an
important issue for the monitoring of marine ecosystems. The spionid polychaete …
important issue for the monitoring of marine ecosystems. The spionid polychaete …
Effects of deposit-feeding tubificid worms and filter-feeding bivalves on benthic-pelagic coupling: implications for the restoration of eutrophic shallow lakes
Benthic-pelagic coupling is a key factor in the dynamics of shallow lakes. A 12-week
mesocosm experiment tested the hypothesis that deposit-feeding tubificid worms stimulate …
mesocosm experiment tested the hypothesis that deposit-feeding tubificid worms stimulate …
Bioturbation effects on bioaccumulation of cadmium in the wetland plant Typha latifolia: A nature-based experiment
The development of efficient bioremediation techniques to reduce aquatic pollutant load in
natural sediment is one of the current challenges in ecological engineering. A nature-based …
natural sediment is one of the current challenges in ecological engineering. A nature-based …