QCD thermalization: Ab initio approaches and interdisciplinary connections
Heavy-ion collisions at BNL's Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and CERN's Large Hadron
Collider provide strong evidence for the formation of a quark-gluon plasma, with …
Collider provide strong evidence for the formation of a quark-gluon plasma, with …
Novel collective phenomena in high-energy proton–proton and proton–nucleus collisions
The observation of long-range rapidity correlations among particles in high-multiplicity p–p
and p–Pb collisions has created new opportunities for investigating novel high-density QCD …
and p–Pb collisions has created new opportunities for investigating novel high-density QCD …
Fluctuating Glasma initial conditions and flow in heavy ion collisions
We compute initial conditions in heavy ion collisions within the color glass condensate
framework by combining the impact parameter dependent saturation model with the …
framework by combining the impact parameter dependent saturation model with the …
The color glass condensate
We provide a broad overview of the theoretical status and phenomenological applications of
the color glass condensate effective field theory, which describes universal properties of …
the color glass condensate effective field theory, which describes universal properties of …
Event-by-event gluon multiplicity, energy density, and eccentricities in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions
The event-by-event multiplicity distribution, the energy densities and energy density
weighted eccentricity moments ε n (up to n= 6) at early times in heavy-ion collisions at both …
weighted eccentricity moments ε n (up to n= 6) at early times in heavy-ion collisions at both …
Initial-state geometry and the role of hydrodynamics in proton-proton, proton-nucleus, and deuteron-nucleus collisions
We apply the successful Monte Carlo Glauber and IP-Glasma initial-state models of heavy-
ion collisions to the much smaller size systems produced in proton-proton, proton-nucleus …
ion collisions to the much smaller size systems produced in proton-proton, proton-nucleus …
Gluon saturation and initial conditions for relativistic heavy ion collisions
JL Albacete, C Marquet - Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 2014 - Elsevier
We present an overview of theoretical aspects of the phenomenon of gluon saturation in
high energy scattering in Quantum Chromo Dynamics. Then we review the state-of-the-art of …
high energy scattering in Quantum Chromo Dynamics. Then we review the state-of-the-art of …
The ridge in proton–proton collisions at the LHC
We show that the key features of the CMS result on the ridge correlation seen for high
multiplicity events in s= 7 TeV proton–proton collisions at the LHC can be understood in the …
multiplicity events in s= 7 TeV proton–proton collisions at the LHC can be understood in the …
The exploration of hot and dense nuclear matter: introduction to relativistic heavy-ion physics
This article summarizes our present knowledge about nuclear matter at the highest energy
densities and its formation in relativistic heavy ion collisions. We review what is known about …
densities and its formation in relativistic heavy ion collisions. We review what is known about …
Azimuthal Collimation of Long Range Rapidity Correlations by Strong Color<? format?> Fields in High Multiplicity Hadron-Hadron Collisions
The azimuthal collimation of dihadrons with large rapidity separations in high multiplicity p+
p collisions at the LHC is described in the color glass condensate (CGC) effective theory [A …
p collisions at the LHC is described in the color glass condensate (CGC) effective theory [A …