Parenting as a Moderator of the Relation Between Child Inhibited Temperament and Anxiety in Western Contexts: A Systematic Review
EM Aaron, E Caley, EJ Kiel - Clinical Child and Family Psychology …, 2024 - Springer
The literature on the role of parenting in the relation between child inhibited temperament
and child anxiety is inconsistent, with some literature supporting a moderating role and …
and child anxiety is inconsistent, with some literature supporting a moderating role and …
The effect of perinatal interventions on parent anxiety, infant socio‐emotional development and parent‐infant relationship outcomes: A systematic review
Background Infants of parents with perinatal anxiety are at elevated likelihood of
experiencing disruption in the parent‐infant relationship, as well as difficulties with socio …
experiencing disruption in the parent‐infant relationship, as well as difficulties with socio …
From mothers to children and back: Bidirectional processes in the cross‐generational transmission of anxiety from early childhood to early adolescence
Background Maternal psychopathology and caregiving behavior are linked with child
anxiety and these associations may be particularly salient when families face mass trauma …
anxiety and these associations may be particularly salient when families face mass trauma …
Maternal self-efficacy and emotional well-being in Chilean adolescent mothers: the relationship with their children's social-emotional development
Background Low maternal self-efficacy and high levels of anxiety, depression, and stress
can be triggered in adolescent mothers due to an incomplete development process that …
can be triggered in adolescent mothers due to an incomplete development process that …
Familial factors in the development of social anxiety disorder
CM Olson - Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health …, 2021 -
The purpose of the current article is to explore familial factors that influence the development
of social anxiety disorder (SAD) in children and adolescents, including parenting, sibling …
of social anxiety disorder (SAD) in children and adolescents, including parenting, sibling …
The association between maternal stress and human milk concentrations of cortisol and prolactin
Psychosocial stress affects the relationship between prolactin (PRL) and cortisol (CORT).
The dynamics of PRL and CORT changes under stress in human milk (HM) are largely …
The dynamics of PRL and CORT changes under stress in human milk (HM) are largely …
The association between maternal perinatal mental health and perfectionism: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
C Evans, J Kreppner… - British Journal of Clinical …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Background Perfectionism is an important feature of adult psychopathology. In the absence
of a prior review of the role of perfectionism in perinatal psychopathology, we aimed to …
of a prior review of the role of perfectionism in perinatal psychopathology, we aimed to …
Maternal and paternal anxiety during pregnancy: Comparing the effects on behavioral problems in offspring
Prenatal maternal anxiety has been associated with both short and long-term mental health
problems in the child. The current study aims to examine the association between maternal …
problems in the child. The current study aims to examine the association between maternal …
Prenatal substance exposure and maternal hostility from pregnancy to toddlerhood: Associations with temperament profiles at 16 months of age
We investigated whether infant temperament was predicted by level of and change in
maternal hostility, a putative transdiagnostic vulnerability for psychopathology, substance …
maternal hostility, a putative transdiagnostic vulnerability for psychopathology, substance …
Transactional relations between maternal anxiety and toddler anxiety risk through toddler‐solicited comforting behavior
EJ Kiel, EM Aaron, SM Risley… - Depression and …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Introduction Transactional developmental and anxiety theories suggest that mothers and
toddlers may influence each other's anxiety development across early childhood. Further …
toddlers may influence each other's anxiety development across early childhood. Further …