Transformative mindfulness: the role of mind-body practices in community-based activism

B Schmid, G Taylor Aiken - cultural geographies, 2021 -
This article emerges from the simple observation that community-based social and
environmental activists often engage with practices of mindfulness, either personally or …

Unearthing intentionality: Building transformative capacity by reclaiming consciousness

B Schmid, I Nesterova - Environmental Values, 2024 -
In transformation research of late, accounts on the relation between intentionality and
agency on the one hand, and the more routinised and structured side of social co-existence …

Climate crisis, neoliberal environmentalism and the self: the case of 'inner transition'

A Carvalho, V Ferreira - Social Movement Studies, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
This article delves into “inner transition”, a set of subjective changes mobilized by the
Transition Network (TN) that emphasize the role of the self to tackle the climate crisis. Its …

Listening-with the subaltern: Anthropocene, Pluriverse and more-than-human agency

A Carvalho, M Riquito - Nordia geographical publications, 2022 -
The Anthropocene brings to the fore the need to foster ontologies that reject the modern
“one-world world”(Law 2015) model, characterized by extractivism, dualism and human …

Rethinking the politics of meditation: Practice, affect and ontology

A Carvalho - The Sociological Review, 2021 -
This article develops an ontological approach to study meditation in practice. Recognizing
that social studies of meditation are dominated by critical and humanist standpoints, it …

Discursive displacement and semantic diffusion of sense of place: revisiting Tuan

J Teeple, P Kabachnik - Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Sense of place is a key concept in geography, which resonates with an audience outside of
disciplinary geography. And yet, sense of place no longer has the prominence in geography …

The Contribution of Transpersonal Psychology to The Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Well-Being of Individuals

S Haryanto, M Muslih - Islamic …, 2025 -
This research explores the impact of transpersonal psychology on the emotional, mental,
and spiritual well-being of individuals. The study aims to understand how mindfulness …

A emergência do sujeito participativo: interseções entre ciência, política e ontologia

JA Nunes, DN Costa, A Carvalho, AR Matos - Sociologias, 2018 - SciELO Brasil
Nas últimas décadas, os dispositivos de participação pública têm registado um crescimento
exponencial. Estes procedimentos podem assumir uma diversidade de configurações …

Materializing ecosophy–yoga as an ethical academic practice

S Buckingham - Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
The relationship between my personal yoga practice and academic activities is explored as
one way of materializing Felix Guattari's concept of ecosophy. Noting Guattari's apparent …

[BOK][B] Acting with the World: Agency in the Anthropocene

A Pickering - 2025 -
In the Anthropocene our actions are coming home to roost. Global warming, species
extinctions, and environmental disasters are the dark side of our mastery of nature. In Acting …