How does research address the design of innovative agricultural production systems at the farm level? A review

PY Le Gal, P Dugué, G Faure, S Novak - Agricultural systems, 2011 - Elsevier
In trying to respond to societal demands for sustainable development, farming systems
worldwide face a range of environmental, technical and economic challenges. These …

Determining factors driving sustainable performance through the application of lean management practices in horticultural primary production

D Pearce, M Dora, J Wesana, X Gellynck - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018 - Elsevier
This study investigates the determining factors that drive sustainable performance through
the application of lean methods in the primary production segment of the horticultural supply …

Development of a broadened cognitive map** approach for analysing systems of practices in social–ecological systems

FM Vanwindekens, D Stilmant, PV Baret - Ecological modelling, 2013 - Elsevier
This paper presents a new cognitive map** approach for analysing systems of practices in
social–ecological systems. These systems are mapped from people's views collected during …

Farm household models to analyse food security in a changing climate: A review

MT Van Wijk, MC Rufino, D Enahoro, D Parsons… - Global Food …, 2014 - Elsevier
We systematically reviewed the literature on farm household models, with emphasis on
those focused on smallholder systems. The models were evaluated on their predictive ability …

Why do farmers not convert to organic farming? Modeling conversion to organic farming as a major change

Q Xu, S Huet, C Poix, I Boisdon… - Natural Resource …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
This study aims to better understand why farmers do not convert to organic farming by
studying decision trajectories in a dynamic agent‐based model. In this model, an agent's …

Integrated participatory modelling of actual farms to support policy making on sustainable intensification

J Vayssières, M Vigne, V Alary, P Lecomte - Agricultural Systems, 2011 - Elsevier
On the tropical island of La Réunion, population growth, increasing demand in food
products, agricultural densification, and the resulting pressure on the environment are …

GAMEDE: A global activity model for evaluating the sustainability of dairy enterprises Part I–Whole-farm dynamic model

J Vayssières, F Guerrin, JM Paillat, P Lecomte - Agricultural Systems, 2009 - Elsevier
Crop-livestock farms are complex systems. The interactions operating in such systems
involve decisional, biophysical, structural, and environmental factors. Moreover, as farmers …

A dynamic bio-economic model to simulate optimal adjustments of suckler cow farm management to production and market shocks in France

C Mosnier, J Agabriel, M Lherm, A Reynaud - Agricultural Systems, 2009 - Elsevier
Tactical adjustments to seasonal weather conditions and beef price may generate additional
income or avoid losses in French beef cattle farms. Due to the length of the suckler cow …

The herd, a source of flexibility for livestock farming systems faced with uncertainties?

MO Nozieres, CH Moulin, B Dedieu - Animal, 2011 -
'Adapt to endure'has become a necessity in agriculture, but the means to do so remain
largely undefined. The aim of this literature review is to analyse how the herd contributes to …