Rigidity percolation by next-nearest-neighbor bonds on generic and regular isostatic lattices

L Zhang, DZ Rocklin, BG Chen, X Mao - Physical Review E, 2015 - APS
We study rigidity percolation transitions in two-dimensional central-force isostatic lattices,
including the square and the kagome lattices, as next-nearest-neighbor bonds (“braces”) are …

Jamming percolation in three dimensions

A Ghosh, E Teomy, Y Shokef - Europhysics Letters, 2014 - iopscience.iop.org
We introduce a three-dimensional model for jamming and glasses, and prove that the
fraction of frozen particles is discontinuous at the directed-percolation critical density. In …

Hydrodynamics in kinetically constrained lattice-gas models

E Teomy, Y Shokef - Physical Review E, 2017 - APS
Kinetically constrained models are lattice-gas models that are used for describing glassy
systems. By construction, their equilibrium state is trivial and there are no equal-time …

Relation between structure of blocked clusters and relaxation dynamics in kinetically constrained models

E Teomy, Y Shokef - Physical Review E, 2015 - APS
We investigate the relation between the cooperative length and relaxation time, represented,
respectively, by the culling time and the persistence time, in the Fredrickson-Andersen, Kob …

Finite-density effects in the Fredrickson-Andersen and Kob-Andersen kinetically-constrained models

E Teomy, Y Shokef - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2014 - pubs.aip.org
We calculate the corrections to the thermodynamic limit of the critical density for jamming in
the Kob-Andersen and Fredrickson-Andersen kinetically-constrained models, and find them …

Jamming by shape in kinetically constrained models

E Teomy, Y Shokef - Physical Review E, 2014 - APS
We derive expressions for the critical density for jamming in a hyper-rhomboid system of
arbitrary shape in any dimension for the Kob-Andersen and Fredrickson-Andersen …

Jamming versus caging in three dimensional jamming percolation

N Segall, E Teomy, Y Shokef - Journal of Statistical Mechanics …, 2016 - iopscience.iop.org
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Kinetically constrained model for gravity-driven granular flow and clogging

G Bolshak, R Chatterjee, R Lieberman, Y Shokef - Physical Review E, 2019 - APS
We add extreme driving to the Kob-Andersen kinetically constrained lattice-gas model in
order to mimic the effect of gravity on dense granular systems. For low particle densities, the …

Constraint relaxation leads to jamming

E Teomy, Y Shokef - Physical Review E, 2020 - APS
Adding transitions to an equilibrium system increases the activity. Naively, one would expect
this to hold also in out-of-equilibrium systems. We demonstrate, using relatively simple …

Rigidity in Isostatic Networks: Disorder, Criticality, and Topological States

L Zhang - 2019 - deepblue.lib.umich.edu
Rigidity is one of the central themes in soft condensed matter physics. There has been
enduring research interest in understanding rigidity and softness of materials. The purpose …