The evolution of social philopatry and dispersal in female mammals

TH Clutton‐Brock, D Lukas - Molecular ecology, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
In most social mammals, some females disperse from their natal group while others remain
and breed there throughout their lives but, in a few, females typically disperse after …

Effects of habitat fragmentation and disturbance on howler monkeys: a review

V Arroyo‐Rodríguez, PAD Dias - American Journal of …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
We examined the literature on the effects of habitat fragmentation and disturbance on howler
monkeys (genus Alouatta) to (1) identify different threats that may affect howlers in …

[BOK][B] Mammal societies

T Clutton-Brock - 2016 -
The book aims to integrate our understanding of mammalian societies into a novel synthesis
that is relevant to behavioural ecologists, ecologists, and anthropologists. It adopts a …

Habitat degradation impacts black howler monkey (Alouatta pigra) gastrointestinal microbiomes

KR Amato, CJ Yeoman, A Kent, N Righini… - The ISME …, 2013 -
The gastrointestinal (GI) microbiome contributes significantly to host nutrition and health.
However, relationships involving GI microbes, their hosts and host macrohabitats remain to …

[BOK][B] Primate communication: a multimodal approach

K Liebal, BM Waller, KE Slocombe, AM Burrows - 2014 -
Primates communicate with each other using a wide range of signals: olfactory signals to
mark territories, screams to recruit help while fighting, gestures to request food and facial …

Agroecosystems and primate conservation in the tropics: a review

A Estrada, BE Raboy, LC Oliveira - American journal of …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Agroecosystems cover more than one quarter of the global land area (ca. 50 million km2) as
highly simplified (eg pasturelands) or more complex systems (eg polycultures and …

Primate socioecology at the crossroads: past, present, and future

T Clutton‐Brock, C Janson - Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Attempts to explain differences in the size and structure of primate groups have argued that
they are a consequence of variation in the intensity of feeding competition caused by …

Seed dispersal by spider monkeys and its importance in the maintenance of neotropical rain-forest diversity

A Link, A Di Fiore - Journal of tropical ecology, 2006 -
Seed dispersal by frugivores is thought to play an important role in the maintenance of
tropical forest diversity. Spider monkeys (Ateles spp.) are amongst the most frugivorous …

[HTML][HTML] Evolutionary trade-off between vocal tract and testes dimensions in howler monkeys

JC Dunn, LB Halenar, TG Davies, J Cristobal-Azkarate… - Current Biology, 2015 -
Males often face a trade-off between investments in precopulatory and postcopulatory traits
[1], particularly when male-male contest competition determines access to mates [2]. To …

Brown spider monkeys (Ateles hybridus): a model for differentiating the role of social networks and physical contact on parasite transmission dynamics

R Rimbach, D Bisanzio, N Galvis… - … of the Royal …, 2015 -
Elevated risk of disease transmission is considered a major cost of sociality, although
empirical evidence supporting this idea remains scant. Variation in spatial cohesion and the …