A guide to area‐restricted search: a foundational foraging behaviour
Area‐restricted search is the capacity to change search effort adaptively in response to
resource encounters or expectations, from directional exploration (global, extensive search) …
resource encounters or expectations, from directional exploration (global, extensive search) …
Understanding movements of organisms: it's time to abandon the Lévy foraging hypothesis
GH Pyke - Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Interest in L évy walks within the context of movement of organisms has recently soared, with
some now referring to this approach as the L évy walk/flight paradigm. The principal …
some now referring to this approach as the L évy walk/flight paradigm. The principal …
Lévy walks evolve through interaction between movement and environmental complexity
Ecological theory predicts that animal movement is shaped by its efficiency of resource
acquisition. Focusing solely on efficiency, however, ignores the fact that animal activity can …
acquisition. Focusing solely on efficiency, however, ignores the fact that animal activity can …
Of scales and stationarity in animal movements
S Benhamou - Ecology letters, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
With recent technological advances in tracking devices, movements of numerous animal
species can be recorded with a high resolution over large spatial and temporal ranges. This …
species can be recorded with a high resolution over large spatial and temporal ranges. This …
Foraging in mind
People and other animals can search for information inside their heads. Where does this
ability come from, and what does it enable cognitive systems to do? In this article, we …
ability come from, and what does it enable cognitive systems to do? In this article, we …
Optimal search behavior and classic foraging theory
Random walk methods and diffusion theory pervaded ecological sciences as methods to
analyze and describe animal movement. Consequently, statistical physics was mostly seen …
analyze and describe animal movement. Consequently, statistical physics was mostly seen …
Assessing Lévy walks as models of animal foraging
The hypothesis that the optimal search strategy is a Lévy walk (LW) or Lévy flight, originally
suggested in 1995, has generated an explosion of interest and controversy. Long-standing …
suggested in 1995, has generated an explosion of interest and controversy. Long-standing …
Air pollutants degrade floral scents and increase insect foraging times
Flowers emit mixtures of scents that mediate plant-insect interactions such as attracting
insect pollinators. Because of their volatile nature, however, floral scents readily react with …
insect pollinators. Because of their volatile nature, however, floral scents readily react with …
The evolutionary origins of Lévy walk foraging
ME Wosniack, MC Santos, EP Raposo… - PLoS computational …, 2017 - journals.plos.org
We study through a reaction-diffusion algorithm the influence of landscape diversity on the
efficiency of search dynamics. Remarkably, the identical optimal search strategy arises in a …
efficiency of search dynamics. Remarkably, the identical optimal search strategy arises in a …
Anomalous diffusion of heterogeneous populations characterized by normal diffusion at the individual level
The characterization of the dispersal of populations of non-identical individuals is relevant to
most ecological and epidemiological processes. In practice, the movement is quantified by …
most ecological and epidemiological processes. In practice, the movement is quantified by …