Principal component analysis
Principal component analysis is a versatile statistical method for reducing a cases-by-
variables data table to its essential features, called principal components. Principal …
variables data table to its essential features, called principal components. Principal …
Metaverse wearables for immersive digital healthcare: a review
The recent exponential growth of metaverse technology has been instrumental in resha**
a myriad of sectors, not least digital healthcare. This comprehensive review critically …
a myriad of sectors, not least digital healthcare. This comprehensive review critically …
OpenCap: Human movement dynamics from smartphone videos
Measures of human movement dynamics can predict outcomes like injury risk or
musculoskeletal disease progression. However, these measures are rarely quantified in …
musculoskeletal disease progression. However, these measures are rarely quantified in …
Pose-guided matching based on deep learning for assessing quality of action on rehabilitation training
Y Qiu, J Wang, Z **, H Chen, M Zhang… - … Signal Processing and …, 2022 - Elsevier
The application of pose assessment on rehabilitation training has gradually received
attention in recent years. However, current evaluation indicators of these methods are mostly …
attention in recent years. However, current evaluation indicators of these methods are mostly …
Two-dimensional video-based analysis of human gait using pose estimation
Human gait analysis is often conducted in clinical and basic research, but many common
approaches (eg, three-dimensional motion capture, wearables) are expensive, immobile …
approaches (eg, three-dimensional motion capture, wearables) are expensive, immobile …
Applications of pose estimation in human health and performance across the lifespan
The emergence of pose estimation algorithms represents a potential paradigm shift in the
study and assessment of human movement. Human pose estimation algorithms leverage …
study and assessment of human movement. Human pose estimation algorithms leverage …
[HTML][HTML] Markerless vs. marker-based gait analysis: A proof of concept study
The analysis of human gait is an important tool in medicine and rehabilitation to evaluate the
effects and the progression of neurological diseases resulting in neuromotor disorders. In …
effects and the progression of neurological diseases resulting in neuromotor disorders. In …
Bioinspired shark skin-based liquid metal triboelectric nanogenerator for self-powered gait analysis and long-term rehabilitation monitoring
Real-time gait monitoring is crucial for neuromuscular diagnosis and rehabilitation of
neuromuscular ailments. However, the existing wearable sensors for gait analysis suffer …
neuromuscular ailments. However, the existing wearable sensors for gait analysis suffer …
A fuzzy convolutional attention-based GRU network for human activity recognition
Human activity recognition has become a pillar of today intelligent Human–Computer
Interfaces as it typically provides more comfortable and ubiquitous interaction. This paper …
Interfaces as it typically provides more comfortable and ubiquitous interaction. This paper …
[HTML][HTML] Video-based pose estimation for gait analysis in stroke survivors during clinical assessments: a proof-of-concept study
Recent advancements in deep learning have produced significant progress in markerless
human pose estimation, making it possible to estimate human kinematics from single …
human pose estimation, making it possible to estimate human kinematics from single …