Exploration and explanation in computational notebooks
Computational notebooks combine code, visualizations, and text in a single document.
Researchers, data analysts, and even journalists are rapidly adopting this new medium. We …
Researchers, data analysts, and even journalists are rapidly adopting this new medium. We …
Where are we so far? understanding data storytelling tools from the perspective of human-ai collaboration
Data storytelling is powerful for communicating data insights, but it requires diverse skills
and considerable effort from human creators. Recent research has widely explored the …
and considerable effort from human creators. Recent research has widely explored the …
Calliope: Automatic visual data story generation from a spreadsheet
Visual data stories shown in the form of narrative visualizations such as a poster or a data
video, are frequently used in data-oriented storytelling to facilitate the understanding and …
video, are frequently used in data-oriented storytelling to facilitate the understanding and …
Re-understanding of data storytelling tools from a narrative perspective
P Ren, Y Wang, F Zhao - Visual Intelligence, 2023 - Springer
With a large number of data stories expressed in diverse genres of narrative visualization,
storytelling is currently growing in popularity in the field of visualization. In this paper, we …
storytelling is currently growing in popularity in the field of visualization. In this paper, we …
More than telling a story: Transforming data into visually shared stories
The authors take a closer look at how the visualization community has discussed visual
storytelling and present a visual data storytelling process, incorporating steps involved in …
storytelling and present a visual data storytelling process, incorporating steps involved in …
[HTML][HTML] A comprehensive review of tools for exploratory analysis of tabular industrial datasets
Exploratory data analysis plays a major role in obtaining insights from data. Over the last two
decades, researchers have proposed several visual data exploration tools that can assist …
decades, researchers have proposed several visual data exploration tools that can assist …
Timelines revisited: A design space and considerations for expressive storytelling
There are many ways to visualize event sequences as timelines. In a storytelling context
where the intent is to convey multiple narrative points, a richer set of timeline designs may …
where the intent is to convey multiple narrative points, a richer set of timeline designs may …
How does automation shape the process of narrative visualization: A survey of tools
In recent years, narrative visualization has gained much attention. Researchers have
proposed different design spaces for various narrative visualization genres and scenarios to …
proposed different design spaces for various narrative visualization genres and scenarios to …
Characterizing provenance in visualization and data analysis: an organizational framework of provenance types and purposes
While the primary goal of visual analytics research is to improve the quality of insights and
findings, a substantial amount of research in provenance has focused on the history of …
findings, a substantial amount of research in provenance has focused on the history of …
Datashot: Automatic generation of fact sheets from tabular data
Fact sheets with vivid graphical design and intriguing statistical insights are prevalent for
presenting raw data. They help audiences understand data-related facts effectively and …
presenting raw data. They help audiences understand data-related facts effectively and …