Towards a science of human-AI decision making: An overview of design space in empirical human-subject studies
AI systems are adopted in numerous domains due to their increasingly strong predictive
performance. However, in high-stakes domains such as criminal justice and healthcare, full …
performance. However, in high-stakes domains such as criminal justice and healthcare, full …
A survey on datasets for fairness‐aware machine learning
As decision‐making increasingly relies on machine learning (ML) and (big) data, the issue
of fairness in data‐driven artificial intelligence systems is receiving increasing attention from …
of fairness in data‐driven artificial intelligence systems is receiving increasing attention from …
Towards a science of human-ai decision making: a survey of empirical studies
V Lai, C Chen, QV Liao, A Smith-Renner… - ar** ML practitioners assess and address unfairness in their systems. However, there …
Disentangling fairness perceptions in algorithmic decision-making: the effects of explanations, human oversight, and contestability
Recent research claims that information cues and system attributes of algorithmic decision-
making processes affect decision subjects' fairness perceptions. However, little is still known …
making processes affect decision subjects' fairness perceptions. However, little is still known …
Forever focused on fairness: 75 years of organizational justice in Personnel Psychology
We provide a review of progress in the field of organizational justice, paying special
attention to articles published in Personnel Psychology. We begin by describing the …
attention to articles published in Personnel Psychology. We begin by describing the …
Development and validation of an instrument to measure undergraduate students' attitudes toward the ethics of artificial intelligence (AT-EAI) and analysis of its …
As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more prevalent, so does the interest in AI ethics. To
address issues related to AI ethics, many government agencies, non-governmental …
address issues related to AI ethics, many government agencies, non-governmental …
Fairness perceptions of artificial intelligence: A review and path forward
A key insight from research on organizational justice is that fairness is in the eye of the
beholder. With increasing discussions–especially among computer scientists and …
beholder. With increasing discussions–especially among computer scientists and …