Analisis Profil Kompetensi Literasi Sains Siswa SMA Pada Materi Inti Atom Dan Radioaktivitas
Tingkat literasi sains di kalangan siswa Indonesia tergolong rendah dan terus menurun tiap
tahunnya. Hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa hal yang berkaitan dengan proses …
tahunnya. Hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa hal yang berkaitan dengan proses …
Profil literasi sains dan kecenderungan berpikir kritis peserta didik SMPN di kota Mataram
Profil literasi sains dan kecenderungan berpikir kritis diteliti di sejumlah SMPN di Kota
Mataram, yang melibatkan 281 siswa kelas VIII. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu …
Mataram, yang melibatkan 281 siswa kelas VIII. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu …
Analysis of the science literacy profile of students at state junior high school
SE Ashari, F Rachmadiarti… - … International Journal of …, 2023 - journal.ia-education.com
Objective: This study aims to determine the achievement of scientific literacy skills of junior
high school students in the competency aspect. The competency aspects measured in this …
high school students in the competency aspect. The competency aspects measured in this …
Penerapan Literasi Sains Dalam Pembelajaran Fisika Di Era Society 5.0
I Lestari, OBK Gultom, FS Zebua - Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan …, 2022 - jurnal.politap.ac.id
Abstrak Pada era society 5.0, literasi adalah salah satu kebutuhan bagi setiap manusia
untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya yang berpusat pada manusia yang berkolaborasi …
untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya yang berpusat pada manusia yang berkolaborasi …
Bibliometric Analysis of Research Trends in Christian Religious Education Teacher Competencies for the 2014-2023 Period
H Sitorus - QALAMUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial …, 2022 - ejournal.insuriponorogo.ac.id
This research aims to analyze research trends in Christian religious education teacher
competency for the 2014-2023 period and provide relevant insights for Christian religious …
competency for the 2014-2023 period and provide relevant insights for Christian religious …
Studi profil literasi sains siswa dan pembelajarannya di SMP Kota Banda Aceh
Descriptive research on the study of the scientific literacy profile of students and their
learning at SMP Kota Banda Aceh, aims to examine the extent to which aspects of scientific …
learning at SMP Kota Banda Aceh, aims to examine the extent to which aspects of scientific …
[PDF][PDF] Analysis of the Science Literacy Competency Profile of High School Students on Limited Energy Sources
NE Agustya, MNR Jauhariyah - Kappa Journal, 2023 - academia.edu
Learning in the 21st century requires students to have the ability to face the times. One of the
essential skills that must be possessed is scientific literacy. Scientific literacy is using …
essential skills that must be possessed is scientific literacy. Scientific literacy is using …
The Effect of Learning Everyone is a Teacher Here in Combined Differentiate Learning on Science Literation Ability and Learning Motivation
M Nur, RA Sasmita, AB Rompeggading… - Jurnal Penelitian …, 2023 - jppipa.unram.ac.id
This study aims to determine the effect of the learning strategy Everyone is A Teacher Here
combined with a differentiated learning strategy on scientific literacy skills and learning …
combined with a differentiated learning strategy on scientific literacy skills and learning …
Analysis of the Science Literacy Competency Profile of High School Students on Sound Wave Material
N Indasa, MNR Jauhariyah - Phi: Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika dan …, 2024 - jurnal.ar-raniry.ac.id
The learning process in the 21st century requires students to have scientific literacy skills.
However, in fact, the scientific literacy skills of Indonesian students are relatively low and …
However, in fact, the scientific literacy skills of Indonesian students are relatively low and …
Pengaruh Penggunaan Mobile Learning Berbasis Website Terhadap Kemampuan Literasi Sains Materi Sistem Tata Surya
R Anindita, MN Hayati… - PSEJ (Pancasakti …, 2023 - scienceedujournal.org
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan literasi sains peserta
didik pada materi sistem tata surya, dan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kemampuan literasi …
didik pada materi sistem tata surya, dan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kemampuan literasi …