Statics and dynamics of skyrmions interacting with disorder and nanostructures

C Reichhardt, CJO Reichhardt, MV Milošević - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2022‏ - APS
Magnetic skyrmions are topologically stable nanoscale particlelike objects that were
discovered in 2009. Since that time, intense research interest in the field has led to the …

Fundamental studies of superconductors using scanning magnetic imaging

JR Kirtley - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2010‏ -
In this review I discuss the application of scanning magnetic imaging to fundamental studies
of superconductors, concentrating on three scanning magnetic microscopies—scanning …

[ספר][B] Scanning probe microscopy: the lab on a tip

E Meyer, R Bennewitz, HJ Hug - 2021‏ - Springer
Written by three leading experts in the field, this book describes and explains all essential
aspects of scanning probe microscopy. Emphasis is placed on the experimental design and …

Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy and Vortex Imaging <?format ?>in the Iron Pnictide Superconductor

Y Yin, M Zech, TL Williams, XF Wang, G Wu, XH Chen… - Physical review …, 2009‏ - APS
We present an atomic resolution scanning tunneling spectroscopy study of superconducting
BaFe 1.8 Co 0.2 As 2 single crystals in magnetic fields up to 9 T. At zero field, a single gap …

Reversible to irreversible transitions in periodic driven many-body systems and future directions for classical and quantum systems

C Reichhardt, I Regev, K Dahmen, S Okuma… - Physical Review …, 2023‏ - APS
Reversible to irreversible (R-IR) transitions arise in numerous periodically driven collectively
interacting systems that, after a certain number of driving cycles, organize into a reversible …

Challenges and transformative opportunities in superconductor vortex physics

S Eley, A Glatz, R Willa - Journal of Applied Physics, 2021‏ -
In superconductors, the motion of vortices introduces unwanted dissipation that is disruptive
to applications. Fortunately, material defects can immobilize vortices, acting as vortex …

Control of Andreev bound states using superconducting phase texture

A Banerjee, M Geier, MA Rahman, DS Sanchez… - Physical Review Letters, 2023‏ - APS
Andreev bound states with opposite phase-inversion asymmetries are observed in local
tunneling spectra at the two ends of a superconductor-semiconductor-superconductor …

Optical manipulation of single flux quanta

IS Veshchunov, W Magrini, SV Mironov… - Nature …, 2016‏ -
Magnetic field can penetrate into type II superconductors in the form of Abrikosov vortices,
which are magnetic flux tubes surrounded by circulating supercurrents often trapped at …

Mechanical control of individual superconducting vortices

A Kremen, S Wissberg, N Haham, E Persky… - Nano …, 2016‏ - ACS Publications
Manipulating individual vortices in a deterministic way is challenging; ideally, manipulation
should be effective, local, and tunable in strength and location. Here, we show that vortices …

Behavior of vortices near twin boundaries in underdoped Ba(Fe

B Kalisky, JR Kirtley, JG Analytis, JH Chu, IR Fisher… - Physical Review B …, 2011‏ - APS
We use scanning superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) microscopy to
investigate the behavior of vortices in the presence of twin boundaries in the pnictide …