Building information modelling-enabled multi-objective optimization for energy consumption parametric analysis in green buildings design using hybrid machine …

Y Liu, T Li, W Xu, Q Wang, H Huang, BJ He - Energy and Buildings, 2023 - Elsevier
Green buildings (GB) have been widely promoted in various nations. However, the post
occupancy evaluation suggests many GB cannot well fulfill the expected targets. To …

A review on recent developments of RCCI engines operated with alternative fuels

SKR Dwarshala, SS Rajakumar, OR Kummitha… - Energies, 2023 -
Environmental concerns over automotive exhaust emissions and consumer demand for
higher fuel efficiency have led to the development of low-temperature combustion concepts …

Experimental assessment on performance and combustion behaviors of reactivity-controlled compression ignition engine operated by n-pentanol and cottonseed …

N Ganesan, TH Le, P Ekambaram… - Journal of Cleaner …, 2022 - Elsevier
In relative to traditional combustion, the reactivity-controlled compression ignition (RCCI)
technique using fuels with different reactivity has gained significant interest because of its …

Combining GA-SVM and NSGA-Ⅲ multi-objective optimization to reduce the emission and fuel consumption of high-pressure common-rail diesel engine

Y Wang, G Wang, G Yao, Q Shen, X Yu, S He - Energy, 2023 - Elsevier
This research proposed a multi-objective optimization approach that combines Non-
dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithms (NSGA) Ⅲ and support vector machine (SVM) to …

A comparative investigation of advanced machine learning methods for predicting transient emission characteristic of diesel engine

J Liao, J Hu, F Yan, P Chen, L Zhu, Q Zhou, H Xu, J Li - Fuel, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract Machine learning method provides a promising way to predict the transient
emission characteristic of diesel engine due to its many advantages such as short …

An innovative method of ammonia use in a light-duty automotive diesel engine to enhance diesel combustion, performance, and emissions

AK Subramani, G Duraisamy, N Govindan… - International Journal of …, 2024 - Elsevier
This study investigated the novel method of ammonia use in a light-duty automotive diesel
engine. An emulsification technique and ammonia solution are combined and adopted to …

Hybrid ANFIS-PSO algorithm for estimation of the characteristics of porous vacuum preloaded air bearings and comparison performance of the intelligent algorithm …

R Şener, MA Koç, K Ermiş - Engineering Applications of Artificial …, 2024 - Elsevier
Air bearings are commonly used in systems requiring high precision, including
semiconductor manufacturing, optical and electronic devices, and aerospace systems, and …

Prediction of the transient emission characteristics from diesel engine using temporal convolutional networks

J Liao, J Hu, P Chen, L Zhu, Y Wu, Z Cai, H Wu… - … Applications of Artificial …, 2024 - Elsevier
In order to predict the transient emission characteristics from diesel engine accurately and
quickly, a novel prediction model, based on temporal convolutional networks (TCN) that …

Simultaneous prediction of CO2, CO, and NOx emissions of biodiesel-hydrogen blend combustion in compression ignition engines by supervised machine learning …

L Zhang, G Zhu, Y Chao, L Chen, A Ghanbari - Energy, 2023 - Elsevier
This study mathematically inspects the effects of engine speed/load and biodiesel–hydrogen
fuel blend composition on CO 2, CO, and NO x emissions. Since this modeling task requires …