River network rearrangements promote speciation in lowland Amazonian birds
Large Amazonian rivers impede dispersal for many species, but lowland river networks
frequently rearrange, thereby altering the location and effectiveness of river barriers through …
frequently rearrange, thereby altering the location and effectiveness of river barriers through …
High genetic load without purging in caribou, a diverse species at risk
High intra-specific genetic diversity is associated with adaptive potential, which is key for
resilience to global change. However, high variation may also support deleterious alleles …
resilience to global change. However, high variation may also support deleterious alleles …
Congruent evolutionary responses of European steppe biota to late Quaternary climate change
Quaternary climatic oscillations had a large impact on European biogeography. Alternation
of cold and warm stages caused recurrent glaciations, massive vegetation shifts, and large …
of cold and warm stages caused recurrent glaciations, massive vegetation shifts, and large …
Geographical isolation versus dispersal: Relictual alpine grasshoppers support a model of interglacial diversification with limited hybridization
Alpine biotas are paradigmatic of the countervailing roles of geographical isolation and
dispersal during diversification. In temperate regions, repeated distributional shifts driven by …
dispersal during diversification. In temperate regions, repeated distributional shifts driven by …
Yosemite toad (Anaxyrus canorus) transcriptome reveals interplay between speciation genes and adaptive introgression
Genomes are heterogeneous during the early stages of speciation, with small 'islands' of
DNA appearing to reflect strong adaptive differences, surrounded by vast seas of relative …
DNA appearing to reflect strong adaptive differences, surrounded by vast seas of relative …
Revisiting conservation units for the endangered mountain yellow-legged frog species complex (Rana muscosa, Rana sierrae) using multiple genomic methods
Insights from conservation genomics have dramatically improved recovery plans for
numerous endangered species. However, most taxa have yet to benefit from the full …
numerous endangered species. However, most taxa have yet to benefit from the full …
Discerning structure versus speciation in phylogeographic analysis of Seepage Salamanders (Desmognathus aeneus) using demography, environment, geography …
Numerous mechanisms can drive speciation, including isolation by adaptation, distance,
and environment. These forces can promote genetic and phenotypic differentiation of local …
and environment. These forces can promote genetic and phenotypic differentiation of local …
Genomic evidence of speciation by fusion in a recent radiation of grasshoppers
Postdivergence gene flow can trigger a number of creative evolutionary outcomes, ranging
from the transfer of beneficial alleles across species boundaries (ie, adaptive introgression) …
from the transfer of beneficial alleles across species boundaries (ie, adaptive introgression) …
Genomic, morphological and physiological data support fast ecotypic differentiation and incipient speciation in an alpine diving beetle
An intricate interplay between evolutionary and demographic processes has frequently
resulted in complex patterns of genetic and phenotypic diversity in alpine lineages, posing …
resulted in complex patterns of genetic and phenotypic diversity in alpine lineages, posing …
Microgeographic speciation in a complex of Anatolian bush crickets facilitated by fast evolution of reproductive isolation
Identifying the drivers of microgeographic speciation (ie, speciation over small, local
geographic scales) is key to understand the origin of speciose groups. Here, we use …
geographic scales) is key to understand the origin of speciose groups. Here, we use …