Computational discovery of transition-metal complexes: from high-throughput screening to machine learning
Transition-metal complexes are attractive targets for the design of catalysts and functional
materials. The behavior of the metal–organic bond, while very tunable for achieving target …
materials. The behavior of the metal–organic bond, while very tunable for achieving target …
Multireference approaches for excited states of molecules
Understanding the properties of electronically excited states is a challenging task that
becomes increasingly important for numerous applications in chemistry, molecular physics …
becomes increasingly important for numerous applications in chemistry, molecular physics …
Strategies for quantum computing molecular energies using the unitary coupled cluster ansatz
The variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) algorithm combines the ability of quantum
computers to efficiently compute expectation values with a classical optimization routine in …
computers to efficiently compute expectation values with a classical optimization routine in …
Computational approach to molecular catalysis by 3d transition metals: challenges and opportunities
Computational chemistry provides a versatile toolbox for studying mechanistic details of
catalytic reactions and holds promise to deliver practical strategies to enable the rational in …
catalytic reactions and holds promise to deliver practical strategies to enable the rational in …
The D alton quantum chemistry program system
Dalton is a powerful general‐purpose program system for the study of molecular electronic
structure at the H artree–F ock, K ohn–S ham, multiconfigurational self‐consistent‐field, M …
structure at the H artree–F ock, K ohn–S ham, multiconfigurational self‐consistent‐field, M …
Automated selection of active orbital spaces
One of the key challenges of quantum-chemical multi-configuration methods is the necessity
to manually select orbitals for the active space. This selection requires both expertise and …
to manually select orbitals for the active space. This selection requires both expertise and …
Wavefunction methods for noncovalent interactions
Noncovalent interactions remain poorly understood despite their importance to
supramolecular chemistry, biochemistry, and materials science. They are an ideal target for …
supramolecular chemistry, biochemistry, and materials science. They are an ideal target for …
Automated construction of molecular active spaces from atomic valence orbitals
We introduce the atomic valence active space (AVAS), a simple and well-defined automated
technique for constructing active orbital spaces for use in multiconfiguration and …
technique for constructing active orbital spaces for use in multiconfiguration and …
The construction and interpretation of MCSCF wavefunctions
MW Schmidt, MS Gordon - Annual review of physical chemistry, 1998 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract The multiconfiguration self-consistent field (MCSCF) method offers the most
general approach to the computation of chemical reactions and multiple electronic states …
general approach to the computation of chemical reactions and multiple electronic states …
Variational calculation of small energy differences. The singlet-triplet gap in [Cu2Cl6] 2−
J Miralles, JP Daudey, R Caballol - Chemical physics letters, 1992 - Elsevier
Based on the theory of effective Hamiltonians, a variational procedure to calculate singlet—
triplet energy differences in diradical systems is described, which includes all the differential …
triplet energy differences in diradical systems is described, which includes all the differential …