A randomized controlled study of mindful sport performance enhancement and psychological skills training with collegiate track and field athletes

M Hut, TO Minkler, CR Glass, CH Weppner… - Journal of Applied …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Although both traditional cognitive behavioral psychological skills training (PST)
interventions and mindfulness-based alternatives can lead to improvements in sport …

Motivation in sport and performance

GC Roberts, CGL Nerstad, PN Lemyre - … research encyclopedia of …, 2018 - oxfordre.com
Motivation is the largest single topic in psychology, with at least 32 theories that attempt to
explain why people are or are not motivated to achieve. Within sport psychology research …

Current concepts and practical applications for recovery, growth, and peak performance following significant athletic injury

TJ Brooks, TC Bradstreet, JA Partridge - Frontiers in Psychology, 2022 - frontiersin.org
For decades, physicians, athletic trainers, and other health care professionals have worked
to standardize the recovery process following injury to enhance patient outcomes and to …

The role of sport psychology in improving the performance of badminton athletes: a systematic review

B Bafirman, RA Hidayat, MI Sabillah… - … en educación física …, 2024 - dialnet.unirioja.es
La psicología deportiva juega un papel vital en la mejora del rendimiento de los atletas de
bádminton. Factores psicológicos como la motivación, la ansiedad competitiva, la …

Mental performance and mental health services in sport: A call for interprofessional competence and collaboration

LK McHenry, L Beasley, RA Zakrajsek… - Journal of …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
The provision of holistic care for athletes often involves interprofessional teams with
specialists to support athletic performance and overall wellness. Yet, regarding …

Profil psikologis atlet pekan olahraga nasional (pon) papua menuju pon xx tahun 2020

MF Dongoran, CN Kalalo - Journal Sport Area, 2020 - journal.uir.ac.id
Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengidentifikasi profil psikologis atlet PON Papua. Selain itu,
pada setiap aspek psikologis atlet PON Papua akan dianalisis kondisi dari masing-masing …

Wearing different hats enriches “outside the box” thinking: Examining the relationship between personal life activity breadth and creativity at work.

VL Daniel, Y Zhan - Journal of Applied Psychology, 2023 - psycnet.apa.org
People wear many salient hats across the different parts of their lives and recent advances
in the work–life literature have called attention to the necessary addition of personal life …

Rethinking the role of anxiety and self-efficacy in collective sports achievements

D Đurović, S Popov, J Sokić… - Primenjena …, 2021 - primenjena.psihologija.ff.uns.ac.rs
The influence of an athlete's anxiety and self-efficacy on sports achievement has been the
subject of numerous research, but their relationship is not fully understood. In our research …

Transitioning out of professional sport: The psychosocial impact of career-ending non-musculoskeletal injuries among male cricketers from England and Wales

M Arvinen-Barrow, K DeGrave… - Journal of Clinical …, 2019 - journals.humankinetics.com
The purpose of this study was to document the lived experiences of professional cricketers
who had encountered a career-ending non-musculoskeletal injury. Three male cricketers …