A survey on wireless body area networks: Architecture, security challenges and research opportunities
In the era of communication technologies, wireless healthcare networks enable innovative
applications to enhance the quality of patients' lives, provide useful monitoring tools for …
applications to enhance the quality of patients' lives, provide useful monitoring tools for …
Intrusion detection systems: A cross-domain overview
Nowadays, network technologies are essential for transferring and storing various
information of users, companies, and industries. However, the growth of the information …
information of users, companies, and industries. However, the growth of the information …
Anonymous authentication for wireless body area networks with provable security
Advances in wireless communications, embedded systems, and integrated circuit
technologies have enabled the wireless body area network (WBAN) to become a promising …
technologies have enabled the wireless body area network (WBAN) to become a promising …
A secure authentication scheme based on elliptic curve cryptography for IoT and cloud servers
Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) is now a buzzword for Internet connectivity which
extends to embedded devices, sensors and other objects connected to the Internet. Rapid …
extends to embedded devices, sensors and other objects connected to the Internet. Rapid …
A provably secure and efficient identity-based anonymous authentication scheme for mobile edge computing
Mobile edge computing (MEC) allows one to overcome a number of limitations inherent in
cloud computing, although achieving the broad range of security requirements in MEC …
cloud computing, although achieving the broad range of security requirements in MEC …
Secure authentication scheme for IoT and cloud servers
Abstract Internet of Things (IoT) is an upcoming platform where information and
communication technology connect multiple embedded devices to the Internet for …
communication technology connect multiple embedded devices to the Internet for …
Certificateless remote anonymous authentication schemes for wirelessbody area networks
Wireless body area network (WBAN) has been recognized as one of the promising wireless
sensor technologies for improving healthcare service, thanks to its capability of seamlessly …
sensor technologies for improving healthcare service, thanks to its capability of seamlessly …
ABAKA: An anonymous batch authenticated and key agreement scheme for value-added services in vehicular ad hoc networks
In this paper, we introduce an anonymous batch authenticated and key agreement (ABAKA)
scheme to authenticate multiple requests sent from different vehicles and establish different …
scheme to authenticate multiple requests sent from different vehicles and establish different …
Revocable and scalable certificateless remote authentication protocol with anonymity for wireless body area networks
H **ong, Z Qin - IEEE transactions on information forensics and …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
To ensure the security and privacy of the patient's health status in the wireless body area
networks (WBANs), it is critical to secure the extra-body communication between the smart …
networks (WBANs), it is critical to secure the extra-body communication between the smart …
A lightweight cloud-assisted identity-based anonymous authentication and key agreement protocol for secure wireless body area network
M Kumar, S Chand - IEEE Systems Journal, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Recent advancements in ubiquitous technologies, such as an intelligible sensor, wireless
communication, internet of things, and cloud computing have enabled the wearable devices …
communication, internet of things, and cloud computing have enabled the wearable devices …