Reframing strategic, managed retreat for transformative climate adaptation

KJ Mach, AR Siders - Science, 2021 -
Human societies will transform to address climate change and other stressors. How they
choose to transform will depend on what societal values they prioritize. Managed retreat can …

Climate change mitigation as an obligation under human rights treaties?

B Mayer - American Journal of International Law, 2021 -
Judges and scholars have interpreted human rights treaties as obligating states to mitigate
climate change by limiting their greenhouse gas emissions, an argument instrumental to the …

[KNJIGA][B] Public international law

A Kaczorowska-Ireland - 2023 -
The sixth edition of Public International Law continues the book's accessible, student-
friendly tradition with a writing style that is both conversational and easy to read. Uniquely …

Resha** ties to land: a systematic review of the psychosocial and cultural impacts of Pacific climate-related mobility

OET Yates, S Manuela, A Neef… - Climate and Development, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Global inaction on climate change is leading many Pacific peoples towards a reality
separated from their ancestral lands. Yet, discussions of climate-related mobility often …

“There's so much more to that sinking island!”—Restorying migration from Kiribati and Tuvalu to Aotearoa New Zealand

OET Yates, S Groot, S Manuela… - Journal of Community …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Background and Aims Many Pacific people are considering cross‐border mobility in
response to the climate crisis, despite exclusion from international protection frameworks …

Cascading consequences of sinking states

M Stewart - Stan. J. Int'l L., 2023 - HeinOnline
In November of 2021, the Foreign Minister of Tuvalu, Simon Kofe, ad-dressed the United
Nations COP26 climate conference in Glasgow via a pre-recorded video.'He stood in front of …

Environmentally induced displacement: when (ecological) vulnerability turns into resilience (and asylum)

F Ippolito - International Journal of Law in Context, 2024 -
This article aims to reflect on 'ecological vulnerability'–which makes evident the relationship,
flows and interactions between the human being/body and the environment/non-human …

Climate-induced migration: The need to address human rights to water and sanitation for a growing displaced population

WP Guedes, BA Branchi, RFB da Silva - Environmental Science & Policy, 2024 - Elsevier
This perspective article examines the complex issues surrounding water and sanitation for
climate migrants during the current climate crisis. To deepen the understanding of climate …

[KNJIGA][B] Environmental justice for climate refugees

F Rosignoli - 2022 -
This book explores who climate refugees are and how environmental justice might be used
to overcome legal obstacles preventing them from being recognized at an international …

Exclusion of climate migrants from the global compact on refugees

F Woodworth - Geopolitics, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Climate change will increasingly contribute to internal and cross-border migration. Despite
rising international attention on the issue, there is a long-standing legal protection gap for …