Expertise in emotion: A sco** review and unifying framework for individual differences in the mental representation of emotional experience.
Expertise refers to outstanding skill or ability in a particular domain. In the domain of
emotion, expertise refers to the observation that some people are better at a range of …
emotion, expertise refers to the observation that some people are better at a range of …
[КНИГА][B] Permission to feel: Unlocking the power of emotions to help our kids, ourselves, and our society thrive
M Brackett - 2019 - books.google.com
The mental well-being of children and adults is shockingly poor. Marc Brackett, author of
Permission to Feel, knows why. And he knows what we can do." We have a crisis on our …
Permission to Feel, knows why. And he knows what we can do." We have a crisis on our …
[КНИГА][B] Creativity in the classroom: Schools of curious delight
AJ Starko - 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
Now in its seventh edition, Creativity in the Classroom helps teachers link creativity research
and theory to the everyday activities of classroom teaching. Ideal reading for any course …
and theory to the everyday activities of classroom teaching. Ideal reading for any course …
[HTML][HTML] Being intelligent with emotions to benefit creativity: Emotion across the seven Cs of creativity
D Sundquist, T Lubart - Journal of Intelligence, 2022 - mdpi.com
In this review of emotion, emotional intelligence (EI) and creativity, we look at the various
ways that these topics can be explored together using the seven Cs of Creativity as a …
ways that these topics can be explored together using the seven Cs of Creativity as a …
Emotions and creativity: From process to person and product.
Z Ivcevic, J Hoffmann - 2019 - psycnet.apa.org
Emotions fuel creativity. The fuel analogy goes a long way; emotions spark the engine of
creativity, they are used in the process of creation, they need to be regulated to sustain the …
creativity, they are used in the process of creation, they need to be regulated to sustain the …
[PDF][PDF] Permiso para sentir
M Brackett - … emocional para mayores y pequeños con …, 2020 - pladlivrosbr0.cdnstatics.com
Nota: Este libro debe interpretarse como un volumen de referencia. La información que
contiene está pensada para ayudarte a tomar decisiones adecuadas respecto a tu salud y …
contiene está pensada para ayudarte a tomar decisiones adecuadas respecto a tu salud y …
The Creative Space Theory as a map to explore the mind
JC Goulet-Pelletier… - Possibility Studies & …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
Despite significant transformations in most domains of activities, there might still be some
constancies in the creative spaces explored throughout history. This paper introduces the …
constancies in the creative spaces explored throughout history. This paper introduces the …
Conceptualizing and measuring ability emotional creativity.
Individual differences in our capacity to be emotionally creative may be associated with
positive life outcomes. Emotional creativity was introduced as a typical behavior construct as …
positive life outcomes. Emotional creativity was introduced as a typical behavior construct as …
Breadth of emotion vocabulary in early adolescence
Studies of emotion vocabulary and understanding typically focus on early childhood. Yet,
emotion abilities continue to develop into adolescence, making it an important and …
emotion abilities continue to develop into adolescence, making it an important and …
Emotional creativity: Emotional experience as creative product
R Trnka - The Cambridge Handbook of Creativity and Emotions …, 2023 - papers.ssrn.com
This chapter summarizes the conceptual foundations and research on emotional creativity.
Emotional creativity is defined as a pattern of cognitive abilities and personality traits related …
Emotional creativity is defined as a pattern of cognitive abilities and personality traits related …