The effect of physical exercise on blood sugar control in diabetic patients
W Wang, M Huang, J Wang - Revista Brasileira de Medicina do …, 2021 - SciELO Brasil
Introduction Diabetes is a metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia. It is a
metabolic syndrome in which blood sugar levels increase due to defects in insulin secretion …
metabolic syndrome in which blood sugar levels increase due to defects in insulin secretion …
[PDF][PDF] The influence of anxiety and stress toward depression in institutionalized elderly
Due to age-related changes, the elderly are prone to psychological problems, such as
anxiety and stress, and mental disorder, such as depression. This study aimed to analyze …
anxiety and stress, and mental disorder, such as depression. This study aimed to analyze …
Pengaruh Meditation Healing Exercise Diiringi Musik Mozart Terhadap Kualitas Tidur Dan Kadar Gula Darah Penderita DM Tipe 2
RA Putri, N Purwanti - Jurnal Keperawatan, 2020 - journal.stikeskendal.ac.id
Diabetes Mellitus is a disease that has one of the clinical manifestations in the form of
frequent urination at night with a large amount that affects the quality of sleep and blood …
frequent urination at night with a large amount that affects the quality of sleep and blood …
Pengaruh Edukasi Kesehatan Meditation Healing Exercise terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Penderita Diabetes Mellitus dalam Upaya Menjadi Sehat Mandiri
Abstract Penderita Diabetes Mellitus memiliki kerentanan mengalami gangguan vaskular
sehingga aliran sirkulasi darah tidak lancar, rentan mengalami gangguan ekstremitas kaki …
sehingga aliran sirkulasi darah tidak lancar, rentan mengalami gangguan ekstremitas kaki …
Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Hasil Pemeriksaan Tes Cepat Molekuler Pasien Tuberkulosa
AC Handayani, M Nur… - Jurnal Ilmiah …, 2022 - journal2.stikeskendal.ac.id
Penelitian ini penting dilakukan karena Tes Cepat Molekuler (TCM) adalah alat diagnosa
utama yang digunakan untuk penegakan diagnosa Tuberkulosa (TBC) hal ini perlu …
utama yang digunakan untuk penegakan diagnosa Tuberkulosa (TBC) hal ini perlu …
[PDF][PDF] Social wellbeing among women living with cancer
N Sari - International Journal of Public Health Science, 2020 - academia.edu
Women living with cancer are gradually increases in number due to the increase prevalence
of breast and cervical cancer worldwide. The social impact of cancer is underappreciated …
of breast and cervical cancer worldwide. The social impact of cancer is underappreciated …
[PDF][PDF] Effects of COVID-19 pandemic on parents of children with special needs' stress in Chiang Mai, Thailand
SCWBK Sangsuwan, N Teepworanan… - researchgate.net
Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is spreading over the world.
Thailand is another country that has suffered greatly as a result of the pandemic …
Thailand is another country that has suffered greatly as a result of the pandemic …
[PDF][PDF] Demographic Variable, Social Determinant, Physical Parameter, And Stress Level In Correlation To Quality Of Life In Chronically Ill Elderly Living In Big Cities …
NPWP Sari, J Artsanthia - icon-nursing.ub.ac.id
Methods This cross-sectional study involved 100 and 96 elderly with hypertension (HT)
and/or diabetes mellitus (DM) in communities of Bangkok and Surabaya respectively (n …
and/or diabetes mellitus (DM) in communities of Bangkok and Surabaya respectively (n …
Comparison of attitudes towards meditation healing exercise between the elderly living with chronic illness in Bangkok and Surabaya
P Sari, NP Wulan - 2018 - repository.unar.ac.id
Introduction: Meditation healing exercise (MHE) using the SKT technique is popular in
Bangkok, Thailand, while in Surabaya, Indonesia, it is relatively new and unpopular. The …
Bangkok, Thailand, while in Surabaya, Indonesia, it is relatively new and unpopular. The …