Chronology of fluvial terrace sequences for large Atlantic rivers in the Iberian Peninsula (Upper Tagus and Duero drainage basins, Central Spain)
PG Silva, E Roquero, M López-Recio, P Huerta… - Quaternary Science …, 2017 - Elsevier
This work analyses the chronology of fluvial terrace sequences of the two most important
fluvial basins from central Spain draining to the Atlantic Ocean (Upper Tagus and Duero …
fluvial basins from central Spain draining to the Atlantic Ocean (Upper Tagus and Duero …
Fossil lizards and worm lizards (Reptilia, Squamata) from the Neogene and Quaternary of Europe: an overview
Lizards were and still are an important component of the European herpetofauna. The
modern European lizard fauna started to set up in the Miocene and a rich fossil record is …
modern European lizard fauna started to set up in the Miocene and a rich fossil record is …
Co** with arid environments: a critical threshold for human expansion in Europe at the Marine Isotope Stage 12/11 transition? The case of the Iberian Peninsula
Archaeological remains have highlighted the fact that the interglacial Marine Isotope Stage
(MIS) 11 was a threshold from the perspective of hominin evolution in Europe. After the MIS …
(MIS) 11 was a threshold from the perspective of hominin evolution in Europe. After the MIS …
Cueva Antón: A multi-proxy MIS 3 to MIS 5a paleoenvironmental record for SE Iberia
Overlying a palustrine deposit of unknown age (complex FP), and protected from weathering
and erosion inside a large cave/rock-shelter cavity, the sedimentary fill of Cueva Antón, a …
and erosion inside a large cave/rock-shelter cavity, the sedimentary fill of Cueva Antón, a …
ESR dating of Middle Pleistocene archaeo-paleontological sites from the Manzanares and Jarama river valleys (Madrid basin, Spain)
In this work, three important Pleistocene sites of the Madrid basin located close to the
junction of the Manzanares (PRERESA site) and the Jarama (Valdocarros site and Maresa …
junction of the Manzanares (PRERESA site) and the Jarama (Valdocarros site and Maresa …
El periodo cuaternario: La historia geológica de la Prehistoria
PG Silva Barroso, T Bardají, E Roquero García-Casal… - 2017 -
Este trabajo presenta una síntesis de la estratigrafía y geocronología del Periodo
Cuaternario tras la actualización cronoestratigráfica aprobada por la Comisión Internacional …
Cuaternario tras la actualización cronoestratigráfica aprobada por la Comisión Internacional …
Cova del Rinoceront (Castelldefels, Barcelona): a terrestrial record for the Last Interglacial period (MIS 5) in the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula
Abstract The Cova del Rinoceront, a site in NE Iberia, contains a thick sedimentary fill
preserving a faunal archive from the penultimate glacial and the the last interglacial periods …
preserving a faunal archive from the penultimate glacial and the the last interglacial periods …
Towards a Middle Pleistocene terrestrial climate reconstruction based on herpetofaunal assemblages from the Iberian Peninsula: state of the art and perspectives
The pattern of the varying climatic conditions in southern Europe over the last million years
is well known from isotope studies on deep-ocean sediment cores and the long pollen …
is well known from isotope studies on deep-ocean sediment cores and the long pollen …
Environment and climate during the Neanderthal-AMH presence in the Garraf Massif mountain range (northeastern Iberia) from the late Middle Pleistocene to Late …
The environmental and climatic evolution of the late Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene
of the Garraf Massif (northeastern Iberia) is determined for Marine Isotope Stage 7 (MIS 7) to …
of the Garraf Massif (northeastern Iberia) is determined for Marine Isotope Stage 7 (MIS 7) to …
Collagen fingerprinting for the species identification of archaeological amphibian remains
M Buckley, M Cheylan - Boreas, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Amphibians are well known as being one of the main groups of animals today most
threatened by environmental changes but they are also some of the least well understood of …
threatened by environmental changes but they are also some of the least well understood of …