Navigating towards hyperautomation and the empowerment of human capital in family businesses: a perspective article
Purpose This paper aims to explore the past and future impacts of automation on family
businesses, with a focus on the opportunities for human capital empowerment …
businesses, with a focus on the opportunities for human capital empowerment …
2.2 Significance of Industry 5.0
The British brought the world into its First Industrial Revolution with a myriad of discoveries.
A new source of energy was found in Britain which was coal. Its energy was harvested by …
A new source of energy was found in Britain which was coal. Its energy was harvested by …
Smart cities IoT: Enablers and technology road map
LR Suzuki - Smart City Networks: Through the Internet of Things, 2017 - Springer
Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) is a new paradigm that combines aspects and
technologies from ubiquitous and pervasive computing, wireless sensor networks, Internet …
technologies from ubiquitous and pervasive computing, wireless sensor networks, Internet …
Ferment in the field: Notes on the evolution of communication studies and its disciplinary nature
K Nordenstreng - Javnost-The Public, 2004 - Taylor & Francis
This article focuses on the changing status and character of communication and media
studies in universities in general and critical media studies in particular. First the evolution of …
studies in universities in general and critical media studies in particular. First the evolution of …
[КНИГА][B] Knowledge workers in the information society: Evidence from Finland
P Pyöriä - 2005 - books.google.com
Offers a critical perspective on knowledge work, arguing that the rise of knowledge work is
not only an economic or managerial issue, it reflects a major social and cultural …
not only an economic or managerial issue, it reflects a major social and cultural …
[PDF][PDF] Access and Participation in the Discourse of the Digital Divide: The European Perspective at/on the WSIS
N Carpentier - The European Information Society: A Reality Check …, 2003 - academia.edu
The discourse on the digital divide is characterised by a complex set of articulations. Some
of this complexity can already be found in the diversity of commonly used definitions of the …
of this complexity can already be found in the diversity of commonly used definitions of the …
[PDF][PDF] A Cross-Cultural and Gender-Based Perspective for Online Security: Exploring Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes of Higher Education Students.
S Chaudhary, Y Zhao, E Berki, J Valtanen… - … Journal on WWW …, 2015 - iadisportal.org
Preparing students adequately against online-attacks is a constant teaching and learning
challenge, no matter how many advanced security-related courses have been developed for …
challenge, no matter how many advanced security-related courses have been developed for …
Opettajana ja kehittäjänä: Vertaismentorointiryhmässä kehittäjäopettajan ammatillista identiteettiä kertomassa
P Mäki - 2015 - oulurepo.oulu.fi
Tiivistelmä Väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan opetustoimen kehittäjäopettajan identiteetin
rakentumista opetustoimen hallinnon ja koulujen kehittämistyön tukemisen välimaastossa …
rakentumista opetustoimen hallinnon ja koulujen kehittämistyön tukemisen välimaastossa …
The social construction of the urban use of information technology: the case of Tampere, Finland
T Inkinen - Journal of Urban Technology, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
Tampere, Finland. It focuses on two essential elements: the city (as the location with national
context) and citizens (as members of the “local” information society). This division is, on the …
context) and citizens (as members of the “local” information society). This division is, on the …
[PDF][PDF] Managers Talk about Gender: What managers in large transnational corporations say about gender policies, structures and practices
J Hearn, R Piekkari, M Jyrkinen - 2009 - helda.helsinki.fi
Mainstream research on management generally continues to ignore gender relations. Even
so, over recent years there has been a major growth of international research on gender …
so, over recent years there has been a major growth of international research on gender …