[PDF][PDF] Effect studies offshore wind farm Egmond aan Zee
KL Krijgsveld, RC Fijn, C Heunks… - Final report on fluxes …, 2011 - academia.edu
'Noordzeewind'(a joint venture of Nuon Duurzame Energie and Shell Wind Energy) has built
a wind farm consisting of 36 Vestas V90/3MW wind turbines off the coast of the Netherlands …
a wind farm consisting of 36 Vestas V90/3MW wind turbines off the coast of the Netherlands …
Narrow sea crossings present major obstacles to migrating Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus
KL Bildstein, MJ Bechard, C Farmer, L Newcomb - Ibis, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
The flight behaviour of Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus was studied at a major migration
bottleneck, the Strait of Gibraltar in southernmost Spain, during the autumns of 2004 to 2007 …
bottleneck, the Strait of Gibraltar in southernmost Spain, during the autumns of 2004 to 2007 …
Wind conditions facilitate the seasonal water‐crossing behaviour of Oriental Honey‐buzzards Pernis ptilorhynchus over the East China Sea
E Nourani, NM Yamaguchi, A Manda, H Higuchi - Ibis, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Migratory raptors rarely fly over stretches of water larger than 25 km, although different
species undertake water crossings of varying lengths, depending mainly on their wing …
species undertake water crossings of varying lengths, depending mainly on their wing …
Pushed by increasing air temperature and tailwind speed: weather selectivity of raptors migrating across the Aegean Sea
A vast number of raptors migrates between the Western Palearctic and Africa every autumn.
Species and/or populations ofmigratory raptors that choose to cross theMediterranean Sea …
Species and/or populations ofmigratory raptors that choose to cross theMediterranean Sea …
Prey Species in the Diet of the Amur Falcon (Falco amurensis) During Autumn Passage Stopover in Northeast India
A Kaur, A Jacob, D Mehta… - Journal of Raptor …, 2024 - meridian.allenpress.com
We recorded the diet of Amur Falcons (Falco amurensis) during their autumn passage at
stopover sites across in Northeast India. We collected and examined 1200 pellets to identify …
stopover sites across in Northeast India. We collected and examined 1200 pellets to identify …
Loop migration of adult European Honey Buzzards (Pernis apivorus Linnaeus, 1758) through the Central-Eastern Mediterranean
This study provides the first systematic survey of spring and autumn migration of adult
European Honey Buzzards (Pernis apivorus) along the Central-Eastern Mediterranean …
European Honey Buzzards (Pernis apivorus) along the Central-Eastern Mediterranean …
Wind effects on visible raptor migration in Spring at the Strait of Messina, Southern Italy
M Panuccio - Journal of Raptor Research, 2011 - BioOne
Many species of raptors winter in Africa and breed in central and northern Europe, migrating
north in the spring and south in autumn (Gensbøl 1992, Ferguson-Lees and Christie 2001) …
north in the spring and south in autumn (Gensbøl 1992, Ferguson-Lees and Christie 2001) …
[PDF][PDF] Analysis of the spatial migration patterns of adult Honey Buzzards (Pernis apivorus) during spring and autumn in the Central Mediterranean
N Agostini, M Panuccio - The Ring, 2005 - sciendo.com
ABSTRACT Agostini N., Panuccio M. Analysis of the spatial migration patterns of adult
Honey Buzzards (Pernis apivorus) during spring and autumn in the Central Mediterranean …
Honey Buzzards (Pernis apivorus) during spring and autumn in the Central Mediterranean …
Evidence of nocturnal migration by Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) in North America and Western Europe
R DeCandido, RO Bierregaard, MS Martell… - Journal of Raptor …, 2006 - BioOne
Resumimos y discutimos observaciones recientes de migraciones nocturnas de Pandion
haliaetus. En el otoño de 2004, desde la plataforma de observación (elevación 320 m) del …
haliaetus. En el otoño de 2004, desde la plataforma de observación (elevación 320 m) del …
Wind patterns affect migration flyways and flock size of a soaring bird over sea
N Agostini, M Gustin, J von Hardenberg… - Avian Biology …, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
Water surfaces are natural barriers for raptors mostly using soaring–gliding flight over land
during migration. Among these, the European Honey Buzzard (Pernis apivorus) is a total …
during migration. Among these, the European Honey Buzzard (Pernis apivorus) is a total …