[CARTE][B] Graph partitioning for high performance scientific simulations

K Schloegel, G Karypis, V Kumar - 2000 - Citeseer
Algorithms that nd good partitionings of unstructured and irregular graphs are critical for the
e cient execution of scienti c simulations on high performance parallel computers. In these …

Randomized consensus algorithms over large scale networks

F Fagnani, S Zampieri - IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in …, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Various randomized consensus algorithms have been proposed in the literature. In some
case randomness is due to the choice of a randomized network communication protocol. In …

Average consensus on networks with quantized communication

P Frasca, R Carli, F Fagnani… - International Journal of …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
This work presents a contribution to the solution of the average agreement problem on a
network with quantized links. Starting from the well‐known linear diffusion algorithm, we …

Mesh partitioning: a multilevel balancing and refinement algorithm

C Walshaw, M Cross - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2000 - SIAM
Multilevel algorithms are a successful class of optimization techniques which addresses the
mesh partitioning problem. They usually combine a graph contraction algorithm together …

Generating simple directed social network graphs for information spreading

C Schweimer, C Gfrerer, F Lugstein, D Pape… - Proceedings of the …, 2022 - dl.acm.org
Online social networks are a dominant medium in everyday life to stay in contact with friends
and to share information. In Twitter, users can connect with other users by following them …

Graph spectra in computer science

D Cvetković, S Simić - Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2011 - Elsevier
In this paper, we shall give a survey of applications of the theory of graph spectra to
Computer Science. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of several graph matrices appear in …

Parallel optimisation algorithms for multilevel mesh partitioning

C Walshaw, M Cross - Parallel Computing, 2000 - Elsevier
Three parallel optimisation algorithms, for use in the context of multilevel graph partitioning
of unstructured meshes, are described. The first, interface optimisation, reduces the …

A distributed dynamic load balancer for iterative applications

H Menon, L Kalé - Proceedings of the International Conference on High …, 2013 - dl.acm.org
For many applications, computation load varies over time. Such applications require
dynamic load balancing to improve performance. Centralized load balancing schemes …

Shape-optimized mesh partitioning and load balancing for parallel adaptive FEM

R Diekmann, R Preis, F Schlimbach, C Walshaw - Parallel Computing, 2000 - Elsevier
We present a dynamic distributed load balancing algorithm for parallel, adaptive Finite
Element simulations in which we use preconditioned Conjugate Gradient solvers based on …

Approximate projected consensus for convex intersection computation: Convergence analysis and critical error angle

Y Lou, G Shi, KH Johansson… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, we study an approximate projected consensus algorithm for a network to
cooperatively compute the intersection of convex sets, where each set corresponds to one …