The 2021 magnonics roadmap
Magnonics is a budding research field in nanomagnetism and nanoscience that addresses
the use of spin waves (magnons) to transmit, store, and process information. The rapid …
the use of spin waves (magnons) to transmit, store, and process information. The rapid …
Advances in coherent magnonics
Magnonics addresses the dynamic excitations of a magnetically ordered material. These
excitations, referred to as spin waves and their quanta, magnons, are a powerful tool for …
excitations, referred to as spin waves and their quanta, magnons, are a powerful tool for …
Advances in magnetics roadmap on spin-wave computing
Magnonics addresses the physical properties of spin waves and utilizes them for data
processing. Scalability down to atomic dimensions, operation in the GHz-to-THz frequency …
processing. Scalability down to atomic dimensions, operation in the GHz-to-THz frequency …
Magnonic crystals for data processing
Magnons (the quanta of spin waves) propagating in magnetic materials with wavelengths at
the nanometer-scale and carrying information in the form of an angular momentum can be …
the nanometer-scale and carrying information in the form of an angular momentum can be …