Bat biology, genomes, and the Bat1K project: to generate chromosome-level genomes for all living bat species
Bats are unique among mammals, possessing some of the rarest mammalian adaptations,
including true self-powered flight, laryngeal echolocation, exceptional longevity, unique …
including true self-powered flight, laryngeal echolocation, exceptional longevity, unique …
Perceptual biases and mate choice
Our view of the evolution of sexually selected traits and preferences was influenced radically
in the 1990s by studies that emphasized how signals interact with sensory properties of …
in the 1990s by studies that emphasized how signals interact with sensory properties of …
Evolutionary constraint and innovation across hundreds of placental mammals
Zoonomia is the largest comparative genomics resource for mammals produced to date. By
aligning genomes for 240 species, we identify bases that, when mutated, are likely to affect …
aligning genomes for 240 species, we identify bases that, when mutated, are likely to affect …
Extreme expansion of the olfactory receptor gene repertoire in African elephants and evolutionary dynamics of orthologous gene groups in 13 placental mammals
Olfactory receptors (ORs) detect odors in the environment, and OR genes constitute the
largest multigene family in mammals. Numbers of OR genes vary greatly among species …
largest multigene family in mammals. Numbers of OR genes vary greatly among species …
Single-haplotype comparative genomics provides insights into lineage-specific structural variation during cat evolution
The role of structurally dynamic genomic regions in speciation is poorly understood due to
challenges inherent in diploid genome assembly. Here we reconstructed the evolutionary …
challenges inherent in diploid genome assembly. Here we reconstructed the evolutionary …
The draft genomes of soft-shell turtle and green sea turtle yield insights into the development and evolution of the turtle-specific body plan
The unique anatomical features of turtles have raised unanswered questions about the
origin of their unique body plan. We generated and analyzed draft genomes of the soft-shell …
origin of their unique body plan. We generated and analyzed draft genomes of the soft-shell …
Comparative genomics of the odorant-binding and chemosensory protein gene families across the Arthropoda: origin and evolutionary history of the chemosensory …
Chemoreception is a biological process essential for the survival of animals, as it allows the
recognition of important volatile cues for the detection of food, egg-laying substrates, mates …
recognition of important volatile cues for the detection of food, egg-laying substrates, mates …
The missense of smell: functional variability in the human odorant receptor repertoire
Humans have∼ 400 intact odorant receptors, but each individual has a unique set of
genetic variations that lead to variation in olfactory perception. We used a heterologous …
genetic variations that lead to variation in olfactory perception. We used a heterologous …
Genome-wide signatures of complex introgression and adaptive evolution in the big cats
The great cats of the genus Panthera comprise a recent radiation whose evolutionary history
is poorly understood. Their rapid diversification poses challenges to resolving their …
is poorly understood. Their rapid diversification poses challenges to resolving their …
Evolution of acid-sensing olfactory circuits in drosophilids
LL Prieto-Godino, R Rytz, S Cruchet, B Bargeton… - Neuron, 2017 - cell.com
Animals adapt their behaviors to specific ecological niches, but the genetic and cellular
basis of nervous system evolution is poorly understood. We have compared the olfactory …
basis of nervous system evolution is poorly understood. We have compared the olfactory …