On the evolution of prosodic boundaries–parameter settings for Polish and English
G Schwartz - Lingua, 2016 - Elsevier
Phonological descriptions often make reference to prosodic boundaries without exploring
the origins of those boundaries. In the Onset Prominence representational framework …
the origins of those boundaries. In the Onset Prominence representational framework …
Sonorant transparency and the complexity of voicing in Polish
P Strycharczuk - Journal of phonetics, 2012 - Elsevier
Final devoicing and regressive voice assimilation have been reported to apply to obstruents
in word-final obstruent+ sonorant clusters in Polish. This phenomenon, interpreted as a case …
in word-final obstruent+ sonorant clusters in Polish. This phenomenon, interpreted as a case …
[PDF][PDF] A comprehensive model of intonation for application in speech synthesis
A Wagner - Unpublished PhD thesis, Adam Mickiewicz University …, 2008 - researchgate.net
In this chapter the research area of the thesis-intonation modeling is presented. At first, a
brief explanation is given why intonation is important and why there is a need for intonation …
brief explanation is given why intonation is important and why there is a need for intonation …
Przegląd wybranych aspektów analizy prozodii mowy spontanicznej na potrzeby technologii mowy
Agnieszka Wagner, Jolanta Bachan, Katarzyna Klessa, Grażyna Demenko 272 było również
przedstawienie założeń dotyczących akustycznych korelatów prominencji i granic fraz …
przedstawienie założeń dotyczących akustycznych korelatów prominencji i granic fraz …
[PDF][PDF] Universal and language-specific aspects of intonation in English and Polish
E Grabe, M Karpinski - … of the 15th International Congress of …, 2003 - ling-phil.ox.ac.uk
The intonation of Dutch, German and English is characterised by a trade-off between the
number of morphosyntactic question markers in the text and high pitch. Utterances that …
number of morphosyntactic question markers in the text and high pitch. Utterances that …
Intonation, identity and contact‐induced change among Polish‐speaking migrants in the UK
K Kozminska - Journal of Sociolinguistics, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
This article examines intonational variation in a language contact situation. The study
contributes to sociolinguistic research on the social meaning of intonational variation …
contributes to sociolinguistic research on the social meaning of intonational variation …
Soundings and the politics of sociolinguistic listening for transnational space
K Kozminska - 2023 - torrossa.com
Untitled Page 1 Page 2 Soundings and the Politics of Sociolinguistic Listening for
Transnational Space Page 3 Contemporary Studies in Linguistics Series Editor: Li Wei The …
Transnational Space Page 3 Contemporary Studies in Linguistics Series Editor: Li Wei The …
The acoustics of plosives and the formation of prosodic structure in Polish
E Wojtkowiak, G Schwartz - Folia Linguistica, 2022 - degruyter.com
The aim of this acoustic study of voiced and voiceless word-initial plosives is to establish the
nature of the relationship between prosodic positions, accent, and segmental phonetics in …
nature of the relationship between prosodic positions, accent, and segmental phonetics in …
Acoustic features of filled pauses in Polish task-oriented dialogues
M Karpiński - Archives of Acoustics, 2013 - acoustics.ippt.pan.pl
Filled pauses (FPs) have proved to be more than valuable cues to speech production
processes and important units in discourse analysis. Some aspects of their form and …
processes and important units in discourse analysis. Some aspects of their form and …
[PDF][PDF] Modeling of Polish intonation for statistical-parametric speech synthesis
T Kuczmarski - Nieopublikowana rozprawa doktorska …, 2021 - repozytorium.amu.edu.pl
This dissertation should begin with a definition of its research subject. However, the term
intonation is easily understood intuitively but becomes rather problematic when one tries to …
intonation is easily understood intuitively but becomes rather problematic when one tries to …