How transformational leadership works during team interactions: A behavioral process analysis
Transformational leadership is generally considered helpful for team functioning. However,
the social dynamics underlying the benefits of transformational leadership remain elusive to …
the social dynamics underlying the benefits of transformational leadership remain elusive to …
The key features of workplace meetings: Conceptualizing the why, how, and what of meetings at work
JA Allen… - Organizational …, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
Given the focal role that group and team meetings play in sha** employees' work lives
(and schedules), the scarcity of conceptual and empirical attention to the topic in extant …
(and schedules), the scarcity of conceptual and empirical attention to the topic in extant …
Manager-led group meetings: A context for promoting employee engagement
Employee engagement is a positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind characterized by
vigor, dedication, and absorption. Using Kahn's theory of engagement, we look at an …
vigor, dedication, and absorption. Using Kahn's theory of engagement, we look at an …
A sequential analysis of procedural meeting communication: How teams facilitate their meetings
How do teams facilitate their own meetings? Unmanaged (or free) social interaction often
leads to poor decision-making, unnecessary conformity, social loafing, and ineffective …
leads to poor decision-making, unnecessary conformity, social loafing, and ineffective …
Meetings at work: Perceived effectiveness and recommended improvements
This study investigates why a large proportion of meetings continue to be regarded as a
poor use of time, despite a substantial body of literature on how to make improvements …
poor use of time, despite a substantial body of literature on how to make improvements …
Physiological arousal variability accompanying relations-oriented behaviors of effective leaders: Triangulating skin conductance, video-based behavior coding and …
With the aim of extending the healthy physiological variability thesis to Leadership Studies,
we examined the hypothesized links among leaders' within-person variability in …
we examined the hypothesized links among leaders' within-person variability in …
Exploring the linkages between managerial leadership, communication and teamwork in successful event delivery
M Giudici, V Filimonau - Tourism Management Perspectives, 2019 - Elsevier
Recent growth of events has triggered research into the determinants of successful event
delivery. Communication is one of the determinants, and the importance of managerial …
delivery. Communication is one of the determinants, and the importance of managerial …
Our love/hate relationship with meetings: Relating good and bad meeting behaviors to meeting outcomes, engagement, and exhaustion
Purpose Employees at all organizational levels spend large portions of their work lives in
meetings, many of which are not effective. Previous process-analytical research has …
meetings, many of which are not effective. Previous process-analytical research has …
LMX differentiation is good for some and bad for others: A multilevel analysis of effects of LMX differentiation in innovation teams
Based on economizing resources (eg, time, energy), leaders tend to develop different quality
dyadic relationships (ie, LMX, leader-member exchange differentiation) with different team …
dyadic relationships (ie, LMX, leader-member exchange differentiation) with different team …
Less acting, more doing: How surface acting relates to perceived meeting effectiveness and other employee outcomes
This study adds to the growing body of research on work meetings and extends the
emotional labour literature beyond a service context by examining the relationship between …
emotional labour literature beyond a service context by examining the relationship between …