Climate and land use/land cover changes increasing habitat overlap among endangered crested ibis and sympatric egret/heron species

Y Tuohetahong, R Lu, R Guo, F Gan, F Zhao, S Ding… - Scientific Reports, 2024 -
Climate and land use/land cover (LULC) changes have far-reaching effects on various
biological processes in wildlife, particularly interspecific interactions. Unfortunately …

Role of protected areas for a colonial-breeding waterbird in a fragmented landscape throughout its annual cycle

HRS Ferreira, JA Alves, F Jiguet, O Duriez… - Landscape …, 2024 - Springer
Context Throughout their annual cycle and life stages, animals depend on a variety of
habitats to meet their vital needs. However, habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation are …

Five decades of breeding populations census for 12 species of colonial waterbirds in northwestern Italy

M Fasola, D Pellitteri-Rosa, G Pinoli, G Alessandria… - Scientific Data, 2023 -
Colonial waterbirds, a major biodiversity element occurring in the core of ultra-anthropized
Europe, are ideal indicators of the wellness of inland wetlands. Nonetheless, there is a …

Population trend of colonially nesting heron species in Greece

S Kazantzidis, T Naziridis, E Katrana, N Bukas… - Birds, 2024 -
Simple Summary We studied the nesting population trends of the colonially nesting heron
species in Greece from 1988 to 2018, aiming to identify drivers of these trends and thus …

Range expansion of nesting Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides and Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax in the Sahara

A Bouzid, A Chedad, F Samraoui… - Wetlands Ecology and …, 2023 - Springer
From a few strongholds in the 19th century, herons and egrets spread across the Algerian
coastal strip of North Africa and colonised the Algerian Hauts Plateaux in the second half of …

[HTML][HTML] Assessing environmental change and population declines of large wading birds in southwestern India

KM Aarif, A Nefla, KA Rubeena, Y Xu… - Environmental and …, 2025 - Elsevier
Large waders including herons and egrets are important ecological wetland health
indicators since these species are sensitive to a complex set of environmental factors …

[HTML][HTML] Complementary role of environmental DNA for line-transect bird surveys: A field test in a Japanese rice landscape

N Katayama, S Yamamoto, YG Baba, K Ito… - Ecological …, 2024 - Elsevier
Monitoring and conserving bird biodiversity in rice landscapes is a global challenge.
Although environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding can potentially provide a sensitive and …

[HTML][HTML] Long-and Mid-Term Trends in the Waterbird Community: Functional and Ecological Turnovers After Restoration of Freshwater and Brackish Habitats in a …

P Vera, JI Dies, D Ferrís, A Valentín - Environments, 2024 -
In the Mediterranean, urban and agricultural development has led to the degradation of
coastal habitats and a decline in wetland biodiversity. L'Albufera de Valencia is a …

Effects of Rice Field Water Cycles on the Breeding Biology of Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea) and Conservation Implications

M Forti, GL Flórez-Montero, JS Monrós, P Vera - Waterbirds, 2023 - BioOne
Wetlands are among the most threatened ecosystems on the planet, largely due to their
conversion to agricultural or dry land. L'Albufera de Vàlencia is characterized by a large …

[HTML][HTML] Population structure of Clinostomum complanatum (Trematoda: Digenea) with new data on haplotype diversity of flukes from Slovakia and Italy

Ľ Juhásová, EČ Bazsalovicsová, M Caffara… - Parasite, 2025 -
The fluke Clinostomum complanatum, a parasite of piscivorous birds, but also reptiles and
rarely mammals, has established several foci in the western Palaearctic regions. Previous …