Beyond the basics: A detailed conceptual framework of integrated STEM
Given the large variation in conceptualizations and enactment of K− 12 integrated STEM,
this paper puts forth a detailed conceptual framework for K− 12 integrated STEM education …
this paper puts forth a detailed conceptual framework for K− 12 integrated STEM education …
Learning to argue through dialogue: A review of instructional approaches
Over the past 20 years, a broad and diverse research literature has emerged to address how
students learn to argue through dialogue in educational contexts. However, the variety of …
students learn to argue through dialogue in educational contexts. However, the variety of …
Storyline units: An instructional model to support coherence from the students' perspective
BJ Reiser, M Novak, TAW McGill… - Journal of Science …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
The vision of the Framework and NGSS requires important shifts in teaching approaches
and instructional materials. We argue that this commitment to engaging learners in …
and instructional materials. We argue that this commitment to engaging learners in …
Motivating teaching, sustaining change in practice: Design principles for teacher learning in project-based learning contexts
ABSTRACT In A Framework for K-12 Science Education, researchers call for teachers to
make dramatic shifts in practice–and sustain in these changes in practice–so students can …
make dramatic shifts in practice–and sustain in these changes in practice–so students can …
Coming to terms: Addressing the persistence of “hands‐on” and other reform terminology in the era of science as practice
In recent years, the focus of science education reform has shifted to engaging students in
three‐dimensional science learning experiences aligned with the National Research …
three‐dimensional science learning experiences aligned with the National Research …
[HTML][HTML] Can teachers implement a student-centered dialogical argumentation method across the curriculum?
C Rapanta - Teaching and Teacher Education, 2021 - Elsevier
Does student-centered dialogical argumentation work in authentic classroom settings? Four
experienced secondary teachers implemented an argument-based curriculum situated …
experienced secondary teachers implemented an argument-based curriculum situated …
Managing uncertainty in scientific argumentation
Abstract Argumentation is a core practice of science that inherently contains uncertainty.
Relatively few studies have examined the role of uncertainty within argumentation and how …
Relatively few studies have examined the role of uncertainty within argumentation and how …
Individual truth judgments or purposeful, collective sensemaking? Rethinking science education's response to the post-truth era
Science education is likely to respond to the post-truth era by focusing on how science
education can help individuals use scientists' epistemological tools to tell what is true. This …
education can help individuals use scientists' epistemological tools to tell what is true. This …
Theories of learning as theories of society: A contrapuntal approach to expanding disciplinary authenticity in computing
Background We outline a case for how the Learning Sciences is at a powerful inflection
point where the “real world” needs to be seen as comprised of the political entities and …
point where the “real world” needs to be seen as comprised of the political entities and …
Opening up curricula to redistribute epistemic agency: A framework for supporting science teaching
This study proposes a strategic framework to guide teachers' curriculum adaptation,
planning, and enactment as a lever for redistributing epistemic agency. This framework …
planning, and enactment as a lever for redistributing epistemic agency. This framework …