Porous flow field for next-generation proton exchange membrane fuel cells: materials, characterization, design, and challenges
Porous flow fields distribute fuel and oxygen for the electrochemical reactions of proton
exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells through their pore network instead of conventional …
exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells through their pore network instead of conventional …
[HTML][HTML] Development of Mg based biomaterial with improved mechanical and degradation properties using powder metallurgy
In the present work, biocompatible materials such as niobium (Nb), zinc (Zn) and calcium
(Ca) have been blended with magnesium (Mg) to develop a novel biomaterial (BM) with …
(Ca) have been blended with magnesium (Mg) to develop a novel biomaterial (BM) with …
Effect of cell structure on mechanical and bio-corrosion behavior of biodegradable Mg-Zn-Ca foam
This study investigates the fabrication, mechanical properties, and corrosion behavior of
biodegradable Mg-1.5 Zn-1Ca alloy foams. A series of the alloy foams produced with …
biodegradable Mg-1.5 Zn-1Ca alloy foams. A series of the alloy foams produced with …
[PDF][PDF] Analysis of Effect of Alloying Magnesium by Powder Metallurgy on Mechanical Properties
SK Esamael, AA Fatalla - Journal of Research in Medical and …, 2021 - researchgate.net
This paper reviews the use of powder metallurgy technique that is the less complicated
technique in the fabrication of magnesium (Mg) based alloys as well as the analysis …
technique in the fabrication of magnesium (Mg) based alloys as well as the analysis …
Influence of the polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) content variation on the microstructure, density, and compressive properties of established porous magnesium (Mg)
In the present work, porous Mg was fabricated via powder metallurgy technique with the aids
of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) as the space holder material in establishing a desirable …
of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) as the space holder material in establishing a desirable …
Fabrication of porous Mg–Ca–Zn alloy by high energy milling for bone implants
Biodegradable porous magnesium-based alloys are essential in hard tissue engineering,
such as mechanical support during healing process, and disappear after completion of the …
such as mechanical support during healing process, and disappear after completion of the …
Effect of Mg and Zn Composition Variations on Surface Characteristics and Flexural Strength of Biodegradable Mg-Zn-Ca Alloys by Powder Metallurgy Method
This study aims to determine the Mg-Zn-Ca alloy's surface characteristics and flexural
strength using powder metallurgy methods. The Mg-Zn-Ca alloy was prepared by powder …
strength using powder metallurgy methods. The Mg-Zn-Ca alloy was prepared by powder …
Porous NiTi Shape Memory Alloy Fabricated via Powder Metallurgy Technique Using Pore Forming Agent
NA Abd Kadir, HHM Zaki, J Abdullah… - Key Engineering …, 2022 - Trans Tech Publ
Porous NiTi shape memory alloy is of special interest for biomedical purposes especially for
human bones application due to its attractive features such as lower stiffness to minimize the …
human bones application due to its attractive features such as lower stiffness to minimize the …
ポ ー ラ ス 材 料
北薗幸一, 塩見誠規, 小橋眞, 久米裕二… - Journal of the JSTP …, 2017 - jstage.jst.go.jp
末の低流動性を, チタン粉末と溶液とのスラリーにより解決し, 気孔を制御することができた 15). 銅と
NaCl との混合粉末をレーザ照射した結果, NaCl が溶融し, 銅粒子が再配置され …
NaCl との混合粉末をレーザ照射した結果, NaCl が溶融し, 銅粒子が再配置され …