The Northeast Pacific Ocean and Northwest Coast of North America within the global climate system, 29,000 to 11,700 years ago
Abstract The Northwest Coast of North America stretches 4000 km from Bering Strait to
Washington State. Here we review the history of glaciation, sea level, oceanography, and …
Washington State. Here we review the history of glaciation, sea level, oceanography, and …
Detection limits of tidal-wetland sequences to identify variable rupture modes of megathrust earthquakes
Recent paleoseismological studies question whether segment boundaries identified for 20th
and 21st century great,> M8, earthquakes persist through multiple earthquake cycles or …
and 21st century great,> M8, earthquakes persist through multiple earthquake cycles or …
The last deglaciation of Alaska
Revisamos las cronologías disponibles que identifican la temporalidad de las fluctuaciones
glaciares durante la última deglaciación en Alaska. Nos centramos en tres cuestiones …
glaciares durante la última deglaciación en Alaska. Nos centramos en tres cuestiones …
Biogeochemical dynamics of a glaciated high‐latitude wetland
High‐latitude, coastal wetland biogeochemistry is dynamic in response to climate change,
and yet we do not understand, and thus cannot fully predict, how crucial aspects of these …
and yet we do not understand, and thus cannot fully predict, how crucial aspects of these …
[HTML][HTML] 长江三角洲-辐射沙脊群 YZ07 钻孔晚更新世以来海侵事件的古生态学记录
廖梦娜, 于革, 桂峰 - 第四纪研究, 2018 - html.rhhz.net
相对海**面变化对河口海岸的生态环境影响重大. 长江三角洲地区不稳定的构造运动以及沉积物
的持续堆积作用叠加在气候控制的全球海**面变化之上, 引起了复杂的相对海**面变化过程 …
的持续堆积作用叠加在气候控制的全球海**面变化之上, 引起了复杂的相对海**面变化过程 …
Using correlated tephras to refine radiocarbon-based age models, upper and lower Whitshed Lakes, south-central Alaska
Tephra deposits correlated between nearby lakes provide the opportunity to improve age
estimates of the sediment sequences, even if the ages of the tephras are previously …
estimates of the sediment sequences, even if the ages of the tephras are previously …
[HTML][HTML] Paleoecological records of transgressions in Core YZ07 from Changjiang River delta-radial sand ridges of the South Yellow Sea since the Late Pleistocene
M Liao, G Yu, F Gui - Quaternary Sciences, 2018 - dsjyj.com.cn
Relative sea-level change has great impacts on the ecological environments in estuarine
and coastal areas. The unstable tectonic movement and continuous sediment accumulation …
and coastal areas. The unstable tectonic movement and continuous sediment accumulation …
Holocene biogeography of Tsuga mertensiana and other conifers in the Kenai Mountains and Prince William Sound, south-central Alaska
RS Anderson, DS Kaufman, E Berg, C Schiff… - The …, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
Several important North American coastal conifers–having immigrated during the Holocene
from the southeast–reach their northern and upper elevation limits in south-central Alaska …
from the southeast–reach their northern and upper elevation limits in south-central Alaska …
[KNIHA][B] Tephrochronology and paleoenvironmental change during the past 15,000 years at Whitshed Lakes, South-central Alaska
PD Zander - 2015 - search.proquest.com
Sediment cores from Upper and Lower Whitshed Lakes located near Cordova, Alaska, were
used to create a tephrochronology and to interpret environmental and climatic changes …
used to create a tephrochronology and to interpret environmental and climatic changes …
Megathrust earthquakes and sea-level change: a tribute to George Plafker
JT Freymueller - Quaternary Science Reviews, 2015 - pubs.usgs.gov
For numerous scientific disciplines that contribute to the understanding of megathrust
earthquakes, 2014 was an anniversary year of two great,> M w 9, earthquakes; fifty years …
earthquakes, 2014 was an anniversary year of two great,> M w 9, earthquakes; fifty years …