The Northeast Pacific Ocean and Northwest Coast of North America within the global climate system, 29,000 to 11,700 years ago

DH Mann, BV Gaglioti - Earth-Science Reviews, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract The Northwest Coast of North America stretches 4000 km from Bering Strait to
Washington State. Here we review the history of glaciation, sea level, oceanography, and …

Detection limits of tidal-wetland sequences to identify variable rupture modes of megathrust earthquakes

I Shennan, E Garrett, N Barlow - Quaternary Science Reviews, 2016 - Elsevier
Recent paleoseismological studies question whether segment boundaries identified for 20th
and 21st century great,> M8, earthquakes persist through multiple earthquake cycles or …

The last deglaciation of Alaska

JP Briner, JP Tulenko, DS Kaufman… - Cuadernos de …, 2017 -
Revisamos las cronologías disponibles que identifican la temporalidad de las fluctuaciones
glaciares durante la última deglaciación en Alaska. Nos centramos en tres cuestiones …

Biogeochemical dynamics of a glaciated high‐latitude wetland

JZ Buser‐Young, EK Peck, P Chace… - Journal of …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
High‐latitude, coastal wetland biogeochemistry is dynamic in response to climate change,
and yet we do not understand, and thus cannot fully predict, how crucial aspects of these …

[HTML][HTML] 长江三角洲-辐射沙脊群 YZ07 钻孔晚更新世以来海侵事件的古生态学记录

廖梦娜, 于革, 桂峰 - 第四纪研究, 2018 -
相对海**面变化对河口海岸的生态环境影响重大. 长江三角洲地区不稳定的构造运动以及沉积物
的持续堆积作用叠加在气候控制的全球海**面变化之上, 引起了复杂的相对海**面变化过程 …

Using correlated tephras to refine radiocarbon-based age models, upper and lower Whitshed Lakes, south-central Alaska

PD Zander, DS Kaufman, NP McKay, SC Kuehn… - Quaternary …, 2018 - Elsevier
Tephra deposits correlated between nearby lakes provide the opportunity to improve age
estimates of the sediment sequences, even if the ages of the tephras are previously …

[HTML][HTML] Paleoecological records of transgressions in Core YZ07 from Changjiang River delta-radial sand ridges of the South Yellow Sea since the Late Pleistocene

M Liao, G Yu, F Gui - Quaternary Sciences, 2018 -
Relative sea-level change has great impacts on the ecological environments in estuarine
and coastal areas. The unstable tectonic movement and continuous sediment accumulation …

Holocene biogeography of Tsuga mertensiana and other conifers in the Kenai Mountains and Prince William Sound, south-central Alaska

RS Anderson, DS Kaufman, E Berg, C Schiff… - The …, 2017 -
Several important North American coastal conifers–having immigrated during the Holocene
from the southeast–reach their northern and upper elevation limits in south-central Alaska …

[KNIHA][B] Tephrochronology and paleoenvironmental change during the past 15,000 years at Whitshed Lakes, South-central Alaska

PD Zander - 2015 -
Sediment cores from Upper and Lower Whitshed Lakes located near Cordova, Alaska, were
used to create a tephrochronology and to interpret environmental and climatic changes …

Megathrust earthquakes and sea-level change: a tribute to George Plafker

JT Freymueller - Quaternary Science Reviews, 2015 -
For numerous scientific disciplines that contribute to the understanding of megathrust
earthquakes, 2014 was an anniversary year of two great,> M w 9, earthquakes; fifty years …