Siliceous spicules and skeleton frameworks in sponges: origin, diversity, ultrastructural patterns, and biological functions
Silica deposition is a fundamental process in sponges. Most sponges in the Classes
Demospongiae and Hexactinellida secrete siliceous elements, which can subsequently …
Demospongiae and Hexactinellida secrete siliceous elements, which can subsequently …
Symbiont transmission in marine sponges: reproduction, development, and metamorphosis
Marine sponges (phylum Porifera) form symbioses with diverse microbial communities that
can be transmitted between generations through their developmental stages. Here, we …
can be transmitted between generations through their developmental stages. Here, we …
The ecology of the sponge larva
M Maldonado - Canadian Journal of Zoology, 2006 -
Le présent travail fait le point sur les progrès accomplis dans l'étude de l'écologie des larves
d'éponges depuis les excellentes rétrospectives des années 1970 et il souligne les …
d'éponges depuis les excellentes rétrospectives des années 1970 et il souligne les …
[KÖNYV][B] The comparative embryology of sponges
AV Ereskovsky - 2010 -
One of the major questions in the evolution of animals is the transition from unicellular to
multicellular organization, which resulted in the emergence of Metazoa through a …
multicellular organization, which resulted in the emergence of Metazoa through a …
Cytological basis of photoresponsive behavior in a sponge larva
Ontogenetic changes in the photoresponse of larvae from the demosponge Reneira sp.
were studied by analyzing the swimming paths of individual larvae exposed to diffuse white …
were studied by analyzing the swimming paths of individual larvae exposed to diffuse white …
Developmental expression of transcription factor genes in a demosponge: insights into the origin of metazoan multicellularity
C Larroux, B Fahey, D Liubicich… - Evolution & …, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
Demosponges are considered part of the most basal evolutionary lineage in the animal
kingdom. Although the sponge body plan fundamentally differs from that of other metazoans …
kingdom. Although the sponge body plan fundamentally differs from that of other metazoans …
How do reproductive output, larval behaviour, and recruitment contribute to adult spatial patterns in Mediterranean encrusting sponges?
We studied the abundance and spatial pattern of 2 Mediterranean enci-ust~ ng sponges,
Crambe crambe (highly toxic) and Scopalina lophyropoda (non-toxic), at 4 spatial scales …
Crambe crambe (highly toxic) and Scopalina lophyropoda (non-toxic), at 4 spatial scales …
Effects of the duration of larval life on postlarval stages of the demosponge Sigmadocia caerulea
Variability in the duration of the free-swimming period of lecithotrophic larvae of the
demosponge Sigmadocia caerulea (Hechtel, 1965) was assessed in the laboratory in the …
demosponge Sigmadocia caerulea (Hechtel, 1965) was assessed in the laboratory in the …
Microrefuge exploitation by subtidal encrusting sponges: patterns of settlement and post-settlement survival
The larvae of many sessile marine invertebrates are able to locate and settle selectively in
physical microrefuges where the survival of the post-larval stage may be enhanced …
physical microrefuges where the survival of the post-larval stage may be enhanced …
The cellular basis of photobehavior in the tufted parenchymella larva of demosponges
The mechanisms by which light elicits a phototactic response in sponge larvae remain
poorly understood. Here we investigate histological and behavioral aspects of the …
poorly understood. Here we investigate histological and behavioral aspects of the …