Assessment and interpretation of surface wettability based on sessile droplet contact angle measurement: challenges and opportunities
Surface wettability, a property that governs the interaction between the solid and liquid
phases, is central in various biological systems and technological applications. A typical …
phases, is central in various biological systems and technological applications. A typical …
A review of the state-of-the-art nanofluid spray and jet im**ement cooling
Nanofluid spray/jet im**ement cooling is widespread and finds applications in many
scientific and industrial paradigms. Because of these ubiquities of nanofluid spray/jet …
scientific and industrial paradigms. Because of these ubiquities of nanofluid spray/jet …
Stability and thermophysical properties of non-covalently functionalized graphene nanoplatelets nanofluids
A pioneering idea for increasing the thermal performance of heat transfer fluids was to use
ultrafine solid particles suspended in the base fluid. Nanofluids, synthesized by mixing solid …
ultrafine solid particles suspended in the base fluid. Nanofluids, synthesized by mixing solid …
A review on the heat and mass transfer phenomena in nanofluid coolants with special focus on automotive applications
Engineered suspensions of nanosized particles (nanofluids) may be characterized by
enhanced thermal properties. Due to the increasing need for ultrahigh performance cooling …
enhanced thermal properties. Due to the increasing need for ultrahigh performance cooling …
Performance dependence of thermosyphon on the functionalization approaches: an experimental study on thermo-physical properties of graphene nanoplatelet …
Graphene Nanoplatelets (GNP) were stably dispersed in aqueous media by covalent and
non-covalent functionalization. Covalent functionalization was performed by a rapid …
non-covalent functionalization. Covalent functionalization was performed by a rapid …
Stability and thermophysical properties of water-based nanofluids containing triethanolamine-treated graphene nanoplatelets with different specific surface areas
A novel synthesis procedure is presented for preparing triethanolamine-treated graphene
nanoplatelets (TEA-GNPs) with different specific areas (SSAs). Using ultrasonication, the …
nanoplatelets (TEA-GNPs) with different specific areas (SSAs). Using ultrasonication, the …
The impact of nanofluids on droplet/spray cooling of a heated surface: A critical review
Cooling by im**ing droplets has been the subject of several studies for decades and still
is, and, in the last few years, the potential heat transfer enhancement obtained thanks to …
is, and, in the last few years, the potential heat transfer enhancement obtained thanks to …
Thermal performance of a flat-plate solar collector using aqueous colloidal dispersions of graphene nanoplatelets with different specific surface areas
The effects of using aqueous nanofluids containing covalently functionalized graphene
nanoplatelets with triethanolamine (TEA-GNPs) as novel working fluids on the thermal …
nanoplatelets with triethanolamine (TEA-GNPs) as novel working fluids on the thermal …
Low Weber number droplet impact on heated hydrophobic surfaces
This study investigates low Weber number droplet impact on heated hydrophobic surfaces.
Using synchronized high-speed optical and infrared (IR) imaging, we correlate the droplet …
Using synchronized high-speed optical and infrared (IR) imaging, we correlate the droplet …
Experimental investigation of the influence of nanoparticles on droplet spreading dynamics and heat transfer during early stage cooling
With the increasing interest in improving high-performance cooling systems, research on
droplet cooling requires more complex methods for enhancing heat transfer. Hence, we …
droplet cooling requires more complex methods for enhancing heat transfer. Hence, we …